[Last updated March 10, 2010]
This page lists many transcriptions of Online Chat sessions conducted with Christopher Reeve and also transcripts of his most famous keynote speeches and government related documents and transcripts.
Online Chats | Speeches | Government Related Documents and Transcripts | Press Conferences | Editorials, Opinion Pieces and Other Writings | Select Interviews in the Media
Online Chats
Here are transcripts of a number of Online Chats conducted with Christopher Reeve:
- Barnes and Noble/America Online Chat with Christopher Reeve - May 7, 1998
- Barnes & Noble Online Chat with Dana Reeve - November 3, 1999
- ABCNEWS.com: A Chat with Christopher Reeve - February 1, 2000
- Discovery Health - April 19, 2000: "Transcript of Live Chat with Christopher Reeve".
- Yahoo! Chat Event: Christopher Reeve - June 7, 2000.
- America Online Chat with Christopher Reeve - July 6, 2000
- Washington Post Chat with Christopher Reeve - August 16, 2000
- TalkCity Chat Transcript: AccessLife Presents Christopher Reeve Disabilities and the Presidential Election - October 19, 2000
- MSN Live! Chat with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour - October 24, 2000
- Yahoo! Audio Chat Event: Christopher Reeve - November 9, 2000
- AOL - May 1, 2001: AOL Online Chat with Christopher Reeve - Discussing the release of the Superman DVDs.
- Washington Post Chat with Christopher Reeve - July 12, 2001
- Washington Post Chat with Christopher Reeve - October 9, 2002
- Independent.co.uk Chat with Christopher Reeve - February 6, 2003
Here are transcripts of a number of Christopher Reeve's speeches:
- An Evening with Christopher Reeve - Copps Coliseum - May 13, 1999
- Williams College Commencement Address - June 6, 1999
- Williams College Presentation Speech of Doctor of Humane Letters to Christopher Reeve by President Payne - June 6, 1999
- National Press Club Speech in Washington, D.C. - December 1, 1999
- "Rehabilitation Research - No Reason to Hold Back" - February 21, 2000
- Cranfield University Medical and Engineering Aspects of Dynamic Head and Neck Injuries Workshop - Letter From Christopher Reeve Read By USAF Colonel Ron Reed - October 16, 2000
- Washington University School of Medicine Commencement Address - May 10, 2002
- New York Academy of Sciences Cloning: The Debate Panel: Christopher Reeve; Dr. Rudolph Jaenisch; James Kelly; Dr. Stewart Newman - May 20, 2002 [PDF]
- The Ohio State University Commencement Address - June 13, 2003
- Middlebury College Commencement Address - May 23, 2004
Government Related Documents and Transcripts
Here are a variety of Christopher Reeve's goverment-related speeches, letters, bills, and presentations:
- Operations and Activities of the National Endowment for the Arts (House of Representatives - October 30, 1991)
- House of Representatives and Senate Proposed Legislation on the V-Chip [H.R. 2888 Television Violence Reduction Through Parental Empowerment Act of 1993; S. 1811 Television Violence Reduction Through Parental Empowerment Act]
- Christopher Reeve Keynote Address ACA Advocacy Day (March 14, 1995)
- Statement on Introduced Bill [H.R. 1520 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act] (House of Representatives - March 16, 1995)
- Benjamin Reeve Testimony (Senate - June 27, 1995)
- Statement on Introduced Bill [S. 1251 National Fund for Health Research Act] (Senate - September 18, 1995)
- House of Representatives and Senate Proposed Legislation on Imposing Minimum Lifetime Limits on Health Plans [H.R. 3030 Christopher Reeve Health Insurance Reform Act of 1996; Jeffords Amendment No. 3679; Jeffords Amendment No. 3680; S. 1114 Lifetime Caps Discrimination Prevention Act]
- Democratic National Convention (August 26, 1996)
- Virginia Legislature 1997 [SB 1132 Article 12 The Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative]
- Christopher Reeve on Medical Research [S. 441 National Fund for Health Research Act] (Senate - April 9, 1997)
- Senate and House of Representatives Resolutions for Franklin Roosevelt Memorial Wheelchair Statue [S.J. RES. 29 and H. J. RES. 76]
- Testimony on National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding (Senate - June 5, 1997)
- Statement on Introduced Bill [H.R. 2020 Medicaid Community Attendant Services Act of 1997] (House of Representatives - June 24, 1997)
- Senate and House of Representatives Proposed Legislation on adding and expanding Clinical Research Programs [S. 1421 Clinical Research Enhancement Act of 1997; H.R. 3001 Clinical Research Enhancement Act of 1997]
- New York Legislature 1998 [S 7287C New York State Spinal Cord Injury Research Bill]
- Statement on Introduced Bill [S 2605 Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Registry Act] (Senate - October 9, 1998)
- New Jersey Legislature 1998-1999 [A 2419 Spinal Cord Research Act; S 1585 Spinal Cord Research Act]
- Senate and House of Representatives Proposed Legislation on establishing Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program [S. 331 Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999; H.R. 1180 Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999]
- Testimony on increased National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding (House of Representatives - April 14, 1999)
- California Legislature 1999-2000 [A.B. 750 Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act of 1999]
- Testimony on National Institutes of Health funding and stem cell research [S 2015 Stem Cell Research Act of 2000] (Senate - April 26, 2000)
- Maryland Legislature 2000 [SB 287 State Board of Spinal Cord Injury Research; HB 300 State Board of Spinal Cord Injury Research]
- Ohio Legislature 2001 [H.B. 40 Spinal Cord/Head Injury Research Fund]
- Senate and House of Representatives Proposed Legislation on Campaign Finance Reform [S. 27 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2001; H. Res. 188; H.R. 2356 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2001]
- Thomson v Thompson 2001 Civil Lawsuit Against U.S. Government on Embryonic Stem Cell Research Guidelines- Christopher Reeve One of Ten Plaintiffs:
- Testimony in favor of funding human cloning experiments [S. 1758 Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001] (Senate - March 5, 2002)
- National Health Promotion and Information Center for People With Paralysis (Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center) Cooperative Agreement Information
- Australia Parliament and Prime Minister Letter From Christopher Reeve Delivered By Perry Cross - June 26, 2002 [Explanatory Memorandum Research Involving Embryos and Prohibition of Human Cloning Bill 2002]
- California Legislature 2001-2002 [SB 253 Embryonic Stem Cell Research]
- Senate and House of Representatives Proposed Legislation to enhance and further research into paralysis, improve rehabilitation, and quality of life [S. 3000 Christopher Reeve Paralysis Act; H.R. 5458 Christopher Reeve Paralysis Act]
- New Jersey Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee - Testimony by Christopher Reeve - November 25, 2002
Press Conferences
Editorials, Opinion Pieces and Other Writings
- Scavullo On Men - 1977 Interview
- Caught In The Act: New York Actors Face to Face - 1986 Interview
- Times Union Editorial - April 9, 1990
- The New York Times Editorial Desk - March 16, 1995
- Portrait of Spirit: One Story at a Time - Foreword by Christopher Reeve
- Peter Lowe's Success Yearbook - Interview - A Message From Christopher Reeve
- A Shoulder To Lean On - Essay
- Christopher Reeve's autobiography "Still Me"
- Washington Post - Christopher Reeve Replies (Rear Window) - December 9, 1998
- The Person Who Changed My Life: Prominent Americans Recall Their Mentors - Essay
- International Nursing Review - Guest Editorial - March 2000
- TIME Magazine Vol. 155 No. 9 - Letter from Christopher Reeve - March 6, 2000
- TIME Magazine Vol. 155 No.18 - Viewpoint: Christopher Reeve - May 1, 2000
- Dana Reeve AccessLife.com 2000 Caregiving Opinion Column
- We, THE PEOPLE - Chapter Ten: Christopher Reeve The 2000 Election and Biomedical Research
- Superman In The Seventies - Introduction by Christopher Reeve
- Los Angeles Times - COMMENTARY - July 15, 2001
- The Sunday Times, London - Oral Essay "My life today" as told to Kathy Brewis by Christopher Reeve
- Annie's Mailbox by Kathy Mitchell & Marcy Sugar - Letter - July 31, 2002
- Access: The Disability Issues Journal - Opinion Editorial "Christopher Reeve responds to Dr. Newell" - July 2002
- Journal of Neuroscience Research Volume 69 Issue 6 - Foreword by Christopher Reeve - August 27, 2002
- The Australian - Opinion - January 14, 2003
- The New York Times Editorial Desk "Reeve's Surgery" - March 25, 2003
- Psychology Today - Essay - "Christopher Reeve: One Finger at a Time" Mar/Apr 2003
- Dear Abby - Letter "Contest Invites Communities To Improve Disabled Access" - July 24, 2003
- "Remarkable Changes: Turning Life's Challenges Into Opportunities" by Jane Seymour with Pamela Patrick Novotny - Preface by Christopher Reeve
Robb Report Worth magazine - Editorial "First Person: Point of View Superwoman" by Dana Reeve - October 1, 2005
Select Interviews in the Media

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