Mailing Lists
Below is a list of Christopher Reeve related Internet Mailing Lists. Feel free to sign up to receive any of these free email mailing lists.
Please Note: All links to external web pages (i.e. Not within this site) will be opened up in a new Browser Window on top of the Christopher Reeve Homepage. Once you've finished reading the external web page, all you need to do is close that Browser Window and the Christopher Reeve Homepage will still be there.
Christopher Reeve Mailing List
An email mailing list for fans to discuss anything at all to do with Christopher Reeve. This is an unofficial mailing list, and is in no way connected with Mr Reeve (and it is very unlikely that he reads it). The maintainer of this Mailing List asks that you please keep most posts on topic, and warns that disruptive people will not be tolerated. Other than that he asks only that you enjoy yourself!
Visit the Christopher Reeve Mailing List subscription page for joining information.
Light A Star Network Mailing List
Become a member of Light A Star Network by joining Linda Lambert's mailing list. Members make Christmas ornaments and use their other skills to help raise funds for the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, in its effort to find cures for paralysis and other neurological disorders. Subscribe now!
SCI Mailing List
If you want an email group to discuss Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI), there is an internet mailing list for SCI, the SCIPIN-L List. To join send a message to
In the body of the message write
SCI Email Distribution
You can be notified via email as new and updated SCI material becomes available from the UAB Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Secondary Conditions of Spinal Cord Injury.
To subscribe, email klebine@uab.edu and type in the body of the email type:
subscribe to SCI email distribution list
Jim Lubin Mailing Lists
The following mailing lists are created and maintained solely by Jim Lubin, who is a C2 quadriplegic due to Transverse Myelitis. He is completely paralyzed from the neck down and dependent on a ventilator to breathe. Don't miss Jim's Homepage.
Spinal Cord Injury Caregivers Discussion List
Visit the Spinal Cord Injury Caregivers Discussion List website and enter in your email address to subscribe to this Mailing List.
Somewhere in Time Enthusiasts Mailing List
INSITE, the International Network of Somewhere in Time Enthusiasts exists to honor the 1980 motion picture and those responsible for its creation. List members are encouraged to discuss any topic related to the film, including cast (Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour and Christopher Plummer), production, music score, costumes, locations, time travel, and the novel "Bid Time Return" by Richard Matheson on which the movie is based. Also welcome are postings concerning the SIT weekend, held every October at Mackinac Island, Michigan, or any other fan-related event, as well as the merchandising or trading of memorabilia.
Visit the Somewhere in Time Mailing List subscription page.

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