How to help with Fundraising
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The Reeve-Irvine Research Center
Established January 10, 1996, The Reeve-Irvine Research Center is THE premier research center in the world for basic studies of spinal cord injuries. The comprehensive program of basic research will eventually include a clinic for evaluation, testing, treatment and follow-up of paralyzed patients. In addition to being a site for cutting edge biomedical research, it promotes collaborations with experts throughout the world to develop treatments for injuries and other disorders that affect the spinal cord, with the goal of finding a cure.
Named for actor Christopher Reeve, the center is part of the College of Medicine at the University of California, Irvine and located in the Gillespie Neuroscience Research Facility in the Center for the Health Sciences. The Reeve-Irvine Research Center was created by a grant of $1 million from the Joan Irvine Smith & Athalie R. Clarke Foundation. The terms of the grant require the University of California, Irvine to raise an additional $2 million. In planning for the center, it has been anticipated that on conclusion of Phase I campaign for $3 million, a Phase II campaign will be mounted to secure the additional funding necessary to accomplish the goals of the center.
Your donation helps to ensure a consistent source of funding for vital spinal cord research. Through private funding, highly innovative research and training programs can be launched, and explore creative opportunities that cannot be explored with traditional funding sources. The funds raised for The Reeve-Irvine Research Center supports research on spinal cord/neural system regeneration. The Christopher Reeve Research Medal is awarded annually to the investigator whose efforts have significantly advanced the field and also includes a cash prize accompanying the award.
To donate, it is recommended you make arrangements to give or pledge support to The Reeve-Irvine Research Center by contacting Tania Cusack, (949) 824-5925, or by mail via check or Money Order, payable to UCI Foundation to the address below:
Tania Cusack, Administrator;
The Reeve-Irvine Research Center
University of California, Irvine
2107 GNRF, Irvine CA 92620-4292 USA
Donors will be appropriately recognized for their gifts and are encouraged to discuss naming and other recognition opportunities.
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation
You can show support by making a donation to the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation.
During his appearance on the Today show on April 14, 1999, Christopher Reeve announced the merger of the American Paralysis Association and the Christopher Reeve Foundation to form a single organization: the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation. Reeve said, "This merger makes strong sense...By working together, we can find solutions that none of us alone can achieve." In addition to the merger and name change, Reeve announced that the Christopher Reeve Foundation will bring over $1 million to the CRPF immediately. The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation will continue the work previously done separately by the two organizations as it raises and targets funds for medical research leading to the development of effective treatments and a cure for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and other central nervous system disorders. CRPF also supports programs that improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.
Anyone wanting information or wishing to make a private contribution may do so by contacting:
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation
500 Morris Avenue
Springfield, N.J. 07081
Telephone: 1-800-225-0292 or 1-888-711-HOPE
Quest for CURE - a group of people dedicated to lobbying the government for more research funding at the state and federal levels.
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Someday Equestrian Designs reaches out globally to horse enthusiasts who want to support the mission of the Christopher Reeve Foundation
Light up a loved one's life with a gift from CR Someday Designs
CR Someday Designs at is exclusively licensed by The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation to help raise funds for its mission to find a cure for the spinal cord injured and to assist agencies whose focus is the lifestyle issues of the disabled.
More generous than most retail-generated contributions, 20% of each purchase goes to the Foundation. The remainder pays design, manufacturing, marketing and shipping costs.
Each item in the casual wear apparel and accessories line carries the official "Someday" crest, label and a folded hangtag featuring Christopher's photo on the front and his mission message on the inside.
The line is available 24 hours a day on the World Wide Web, as well as through a compassionate alliance of other internet marketing sites and selected wholesalers and retailers who serve the equestrian and general casual wear through storefronts and exhibition booths.
For information on joint fund-raising promotions and to stock the line, contact Peggy Dyer Brock in the U.S. at 480-585-9144 or e-mail
Go to the "About The Foundation" and "About Someday Designs" pages of the Someday Designs website to learn more about the genesis of Christopher's Foundation mission and the Someday line.
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Light a Star Network
Scientists agree that a cure for spinal cord injury as well as other neurological disorders is coming. How soon it comes is going to be largely determined by how much money is spent on research. The Light A Star Network, conceived by its coordinator, Linda Lambert, is a wonderfully simple yet effective way to raise the needed money. People make and sell beautiful needlework Christmas ornaments. Linda provides the patterns at no cost and they are simple enough for children to make. After deducting the cost of materials which they buy locally, Network members send the money they raise directly to the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation. International members may send their contributions either to the CRPF or to an organization in their home country that supports spinal cord research.
People who do not wish to do needlework or can't bring themselves to make Christmas ornaments in April can participate by making and selling other craft items. There is no reason why Network members can't sell homemade cookies if that's what they enjoy doing. Can people who support this concept but don't want to make or sell anything be Network members simply by sending a check to the CRPF? Of course! Though each person is doing his own thing, the sense of group is maintained by enclosing a note or writing on the memo section of the check: "Light A Star Network." The important thing is to raise that much-needed money for research and do it NOW!
Linda was inspired to create the Light A Star Network by the proactive example of Christopher and Dana Reeve and by Chris's words: "Together, the possibilities are endless". She has dedicated the Network, with their families' permission, to the memories of two young children. Darren A. Duchesneau died at age 8 as a result of a spinal cord injury he received when thrown from a motorcycle his 16-year-old friend was driving after it was hit by a car. At the time of Darren's funeral, his parents asked that instead of flowers donations be sent to the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation so that, in his father's words: "hopefully in the future someone will not have to hear the words I did: 'there is not anything we can do.'" Three-year-old Kelsy Trent was featured on Christopher Reeve's "Circle of Friends" TV special after she suffered a devastating spinal cord injury when an automobile airbag inflated. After many months of brave struggle, Kelsey succumbed to her injuries.
Children like Darren and Kelsey, people staring hopelessly out of windows in nursing homes, and families facing the physical, emotional, and financial devastation of spinal cord injury are the ones the Light A Star Network members are working for. So often people say that they would like to help with a worthy cause but just don't know how. The Light A Star Network provides the HOW. View some of the ornaments and read Linda's message to learn how you can help with the important work the wonderful people in this organization are doing.
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Online shopping is becoming a multi-billion dollar business and online stores want your patronage. Sometimes they are even willing to pay something to get it. is a web site which sends you to web merchants to do your shopping and is paid a percentage of what you spend for the referral. This money is then sent to a designated charity.
Here is a list of just a few of the over 100 online merchants iGive has contracts with, followed by the percentage of sales iGive will forward to the charity we are supporting - The Spinal Cord Injury Project at Rutgers University. |
1.5% | |
4.0% | |
8.0% |
JCPenny |
2.0% |
LandsEnd |
2.5% |
The Gap |
2.5% |
Seattle Coffee |
10.0% |
Avon |
4.0% |
Etoys |
5.0% |
Toys R Us |
6.5% |
Toysmart |
10.0% |
MicroWarehouse |
1.0% |
Dell Computer |
0.5% |
PC Connection |
1.5% | |
10.0% |
Here's how it works: Go to the iGive Registration Page* and register. Then, anytime you want to do some online shopping, first go to and from there choose the online merchant you want to do business with. If you make your first purchase within 45 days of registering, iGive will make a special one-time $10.00 donation to your charity.
For example, suppose you want to buy some clothes at JCPenney. Go to the iGive site and select "JCPenney" which would then send you to the JCPenney online store. If you purchase $100 worth of merchandise, iGive will give $2.00 to the Spinal Cord Injury Project.
If you then want to buy some books, return to iGive and click on either "" or "" which will send you to their web sites. (Prices and shipping being equal, consider making your purchase at Barnes and Noble because the charity is reimbursed 4% of purchases versus the 1.5% at Amazon). If you purchased $50 worth of books at, then iGive would pay another $2.00 (4% of purchase) to your charity, the Spinal Cord Injury Project. Please forward an email confirmation of your purchase to iGive (as explained here) to speed up the donation and bookkeeping process.
These are stores many of us are already buying from; so if you have an interest in curing paralysis, using iGive makes a lot of sense. Keep in mind that discoveries made in spinal cord research will impact all neurological disorders (Parkinsons, Alzheimers, stroke, traumatic brain injury, etc.) so even if you are not directly touched by spinal injury, chances are you know someone who could benefit from the work being done at the Spinal Cord Injury Project. The prices are the same at online merchants whether you go through iGive or not, yet here you have the satisfaction of helping fund a cure for spinal injury AND you get a tax deduction. What a deal!
The Spinal Cord Injury Project at Rutgers is headed by Dr. Wise Young who posts on the Spinewire forum. However, iGive has no connection to Spinewire. Steven Edwards, a spinal cord injured person, set up the iGive account with the Spinal Cord Injury Project as the charitable recipient long before SpineWire existed. The Spinal Cord Injury Project at Rutgers is also a collaborative effort and gives away 25% of the money it receives to other research projects that are exploring promising therapies, so shopping through is a great way to support spinal cord injury research.
Please do some serious thinking about registering with and doing your online shopping through iGive in order to fund spinal cord research. Feel free to copy this information and send it to friends and relatives on your email list and post it to other list-serves and chat forums where spinal cord injury is discussed. Let's get the word out on this one and make the revenues grow for spinal cord research. This is not a scam. Rutgers has already received checks from iGive.
Every time you go to, it will show the total that has been raised for your charity along with the total that you have personally raised. And each time you click on an advertiser at the iGive site, a penny is also donated to your charity, so buying something is not the only way of raising money. A hint: After you register at iGive it gives you the option of "shop now" or "tell your friends." Go to "tell your friends." If you send the iGive address to your friends from there, and they sign up, iGive will donate $1 extra for everyone who subsequently signs up.
Thank you for considering this method of doing your online shopping. There is huge potential here. If everyone who cares about finding a cure for spinal cord injury used iGive for online shopping, we could very possibly raise enough money to make a real difference.
* NOTE: If you prefer to have iGive send donations to the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, register here.
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Quest for a Cure
Quest for a Cure provides information on pending legislation for more spinal cord injujry research funding at the state and federal levels. In addition, special pages are included for the latest updates on the National Institutes of Health (NIH National), a nationwide effort to increase publicity for SCI Research (Operation Oprah), the debate over funding for care or cure, a Calendar of public events related to spinal cord injury research, and a summary of spinal cord injury news (SCINews).
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National Organization on Disability
National Organization on Disability - Christopher Reeve has been Vice Chairman of the National Organization on Disability for six years. The NOD is dedicated to working on behalf of America's, and through their World Committee, the world's people with disabilities.
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The Treloar Trust
UK Registered Charity No. 307103
Founded by Lord Mayor of London, Sir William Treloar in 1907, the Treloar Trust is a UK based charity that provides education, care, and independence training for young people with disabilities. It aims to provide each individual with the support, confidence and skills to achieve the best they can in all aspects of their lives. It does this via the Lord Mayor Treloar School and the Lord Mayor Treloar National Specialist College, both of which are near Alton in Hampshire, England.
The school and college aims to: "Encourage each student to achieve the best of which they are capable in all aspects of their lives. Emphasis is as far as possible, on independence - on taking control of their lives." New equipment purchased is funded by the Treloar Trust as are all new buildings, particularly those required to meet the challenge of severe disability. The Trust is entirely funded by donations. To maintain the current estate costs around £1,000,000 a year, all derived from fundraising.
The Trust is supported by a number of celebrities. Christopher Reeve is Patron of the Treloar Trust E-Motion appeal: "Our e-motion appeal aims to raise money specifically for the facilities and technology that helps give our students access to the same opportunities that others take for granted." This new appeal hopes to raise £2.5 million by the end of December 2000. £2 million is needed to build a new Boarding House, on one floor, with space for wheelchairs, strengthened ceilings for bed hoists and special bathrooms. £1.8 million is needed to build a new Learning Resource Centre to bring computer-based knowledge to disabled students. £200,000 is needed to build a new Horticulture Centre. In 1955, when the buildings were constructed, most of Treloar's students could walk. Now over 80% are in wheelchairs and have severe learning difficulties. The Treloar Trust is putting £1.5 million from reserves towards the project, leaving £2.5 million to raise from charity.
How to Help:
Those in England should look for Treloar Trust donation boxes with Kool Kevin pins (see image) in banks, shops, and supermarkets. The suggested minimum donation is £1.
To find out about the Treloar Trust's fundraising events order an appeal brochure.
You can make a donation online. (This is a secure connection so your details will be safe).
You can contact the Treloar Trust for more information at any of the following:
Telephone or email:
Robina Nicholson
Fundraising Department
01420 526526
Free phone no: 0800 02867706
Write to:
Treloar Trust,
GU34 4JX
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Contacting the Congress
To write your local Congressman visit the Contacting the Congress website.
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Celebrity-Designed Ties
Silk ties sold exclusively in J.C. Penney department stores that are inspired by drawings contributed by celebrity friends of Christopher and Dana Reeve as well as by individuals who are living with spinal cord injuries. Four percent of the proceeds from sales are donated to the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation.
Christopher Reeve Collection: The ties first became available in Fall 1998 and included designs from Paul Newman, Ted Danson, Glenn Close, and Dana Reeve.
Christopher Reeve Collection Two: Became available in Spring 1999 with ties inspired by drawings from Carly Simon, Mandy Patinkin, John Lithgow and Daryl Hannah.
There are plans for future ties to be designed by Jane Seymour, Margot Kidder, Harrison Ford, Kevin Costner and Robin Williams.

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