Other Websites: 2000
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- Los Angeles Times - January 5, 2000: "For Dana Reeve It's Been a Super Effort at Coping" by Beverly Beyette.
- The Guardian - January 22, 2000: "Emotional Reeve has his 'ultimate goal' in sight".
- January 23, 2000 - BBC News: Reeve on Breakfast With Frost - Complete transcript.
- USAToday.com - January 28, 2000: Nuveen: Christopher Reeve Walks (RealVideo).
- Toledo Blade - February 7, 2000: "A Vision, Nothing More".
- Business Week - February 11, 2000: "Christopher Reeve's Super Bowl Ad Scored A Touchdown".
- San Francisco Chronicle - February 13, 2000: "Reeve Ads Can't Work Magic" by Susan Parker.
- Asbury Park Press - February 19, 2000: "Reeve Ad Gives Hope" by Kevin J. Hoagland.
- Chicago Sun-Times - February 20, 2000: "Don't Tread on Our Hope".
- The Washington Post - February 22, 2000: "Striking A Nerve".
- The Vancouver Sun - February 22, 2000: "Top B.C. Spinal Cord Researcher Heading to Elite US Centre".
- Business Week - February 23, 2000: "Readers Respond To The Christopher Reeve Column".
- Spinewire - March 12, 2000: Several articles from Colorado newspapers about Chris Reeve's visit there.
- USA Today - March 13, 2000: "Symbol of Hope, Optimism, Reeve Pitches Products for Several Firms" by Bruce Horovitz.
- Vail Valley Foundation - March 14, 2000: "Kelsey Grammer, Jane Seymour and Scott Wolf Help Raise Half Million Dollars For Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation".
- San Diego Union-Tribune - March 23, 2000: "Actor Christopher Reeve receives service award at UCSD function" by David E. Graham.
- Environment News Service - March 27, 2000: "Reeve Looks to Biotechnology for Spinal Cord Cure" by Michael Vatalaro.
- The Lycos Network - March 28, 2000: "Reeve Looks to Biotech for Cure" by Environment News Service.
- The Boston Globe - March 26-28, 2000: Several articles about Christopher Reeve's speech before the Bio2000 Conference.
- The Guardian - March 29, 2000: "Reeve Plea for End to Biotech Secrecy" by James Meek.
- Spinewire Research Forum - April 27, 2000: "Testimony By Christopher Reeve on Embryonic Stem Cell Research on April 26, 2000" including comments by Dr. Wise Young and several articles from the Washington Post.
- Wired News - April 29, 2000: "Scientists Honor Creation" by Mark K. Anderson.
- Reuters - May 8, 2000: "Disney, McDonald's honor can-do kids".
- The City Review - May 8, 2000: "Helping: Art Moves To Benefit The Cure" (with photos).
- America Online Chat with Christopher Reeve - July 6, 2000: Transcript.
- USA Weekend - August 13, 2000: "Who's News" (Christopher Reeve answers questions about his political views) by Evelyn Poitevent.
- Larry King Live - August 15, 2000: Interview with Christopher Reeve (scroll halfway down).
- The Ottawa Citizen - September 3, 2000: "Reeve to attend Ottawa fund-raiser" by Tony Lofaro.
- The Digital Collegian (Penn State) - October 13, 2000: "Reeve maintains optimistic outlook" by Kathy Hsieh and Annalisa Mendoza.
- The Early Show - October 31, 2000: "Christopher Reeve Talks Politics".
- i c Showbiz.com - November 27, 2000: "Superman helps Liam Walk".
- i c Showbiz.com - December 27, 2000: "Good news for Superman".
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