Other Websites: 1996
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- The Nando Times - January 17, 1996: "Christopher Reeve back in hospital".
- UCI News - January 24, 1996 Features: "Spinal Cord Research Funded".
- "Committing to a Cure" by Ben Reeve.
- February 10, 1996: "Health-Care Problems Still With Us" by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
- AM Technologies February 25, 1996 article: "Equipment eases adjustment for paralyzed actor Reeve" from the Boston Sunday Globe.
- Eshoo Introduces the Christopher Reeve Health Insurance Reform Act, Pushes Overall Health-Care Reform.
- Congress bill - March 6, 1996: "Christopher Reeve Health Insurance Reform Act of 1996".
- David Siegel's Journal - March 21, 1996: "Nerve Endings".
- The Nando Times - March 26, 1996: "Reeve urges Hollywood to focus on social issues".
- i c Showbiz.com - March 27, 1996: "The Bravehearts".
- FRAZIER MOORE - April, 1996: "Oscarcast not good enough--or bad enough, either".
- Hollywood Online - RealAudio: "Robin Williams on dinner with Christopher Reeve: early 1996". (2 mins, 23.9 secs).
- UCI Journal - Spring 1996: "Search For A Cure" (photo and interview)
- The New York Times - April 15, 1996: "Insurance Policy's Fine Print Inspires Paralyzed Actor's Crusade" by Trip Gabriel.
- May/June 1996: The Society Speaks Out for Biomedical Research (Benjamin Reeve photo).
- Desk of Maria - June 1996: "Supporter of Chris's Good Housekeeping campaign with letter to send to Senator Arlen Spector".
- Christopher Reeve Addresses Congress Of Neurological Surgeons On Spinal Cord Injury.
- Society for Neuoscience - July/August 1996: Neuroscience Newsletter "Neuroscience Captures Congressional Spotlight During Brain Awareness Week".
- SportsLine USA - August 1996: "Opening Ceremonies: Christopher Reeve welcomes the athletes" (photo).
- WKYU-TV News Release - August 23, 1996: "Robin Williams, Debra Winger, And Christopher Reeve Will Take Viewers In The Wild On PBS This Fall, In Three Wildlife-Adventure Specials On WKYU-TV".
- August 1996: E! Online - The Hot Spot - Features - Christopher Reeve.
- The Equestrian Times: "Christopher Reeve Appointed as Honorary Chairman".
- Shepherd Center - Cinical Review (photo of Chris talking with Shepherd President and CEO Gary Ulicny,Ph.D.)
- UCI Press Release for September 15, 1996: "Swiss Neuroscientist Martin E. Schwab Wins First-Ever Christopher Reeve Research Medal".
- September 1996: Christopher Reeve Does Toronto.
- UCI News - September 25, 1996: Features "Christopher Reeve" (with photo) and also an article titled: "Stars Come Out For Christopher Reeve".
- "Christopher Reeve: Back in business" by Michael Blowen.
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