Other Websites: 1997
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- The Standard-Times - January 14, 1997: Fund-raising Concert (photo).
- Ability Magazine - February, 1997: "Jane Seymour, the Quinntessensial Woman" (Jane discusses people who oppose Chris' work for a cure in the second half of the article).
- Column by Dr. Laura Schlessinger - March 14, 1997: "We should envy those who face bad situations with grace".
- Lubbock Avalanche-Journal - April 8, 1997: "Paralysis Didn't Hinder Reeve in Directing Film".
- Lubbock Avalanche-Journal - April 10, 1997: "Reeve breaks arm in fall".
- "Healing Direction: Reeve directs first television film".
- New Standard - April 19, 1997: "Reeve set for debut as director" by Jennifer Bowles.
- US Magazine - May 1997: "Christopher Reeve - Two years after the tragic accident that left him a quadriplegic, the actor turns director with a movie for HBO".
- Hollywood Online - RealAudio: "Glenn Close on being directed by Christopher Reeve in her new project". (36.7 secs.).
- Berliner Morgenpost Online: May 18, 1997 - "'Supermans' Sehnsucht nach einer Unmarmung" (with photo and link to story).
- Hollywood Online - The Press Room: Christopher Reeve gets his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
- May 1997: Role Models on the Web (Christopher Reeve)
- National Organization on Disability Press Release - June 3, 1997: "Christopher Reeve Named Vice Chairman Of The National Organization On Disability".
- Committee on Labor and Human Resources - June 4, 1997: Labor Committee Press Release.
- The Health Care News Server - June 5, 1997: "Superman wants 1% taxon health care providers".
- Chicago Tribune - June 8, 1997: "New Hope for the Paralyzed" by Ronald Kotulak.
- The Daily Reporter - "Reeve: Ohio a leader in hiring people with disabilities"
- June 1997: American Physical Therapy Association Inc. "Nothing Is Impossible". An Interview With Christopher Reeve.
- SLUCare News Release June 1997: "Christopher Reeve To Speak At Benefit Dinner, Appeals To St. Louisans To Help Find a Cure For Spinal Cord Injury" (with photo).
- The Mining Company - July 24, 1997: "Christopher Reeve Update".
- Extracts from the Independent - 6th June 1995, and The Sunday Times - 12th August 1997 (photos).
- The CORD (SCI Support Net) - September 12, 1997: "Reeve-Irvine Research Center Opens".
- UCI Media Release - Sept. 14, 1997: "1997 Christopher Reeve Research Medal awarded to Salk Institute neuroscientist Fred H. Gage".
- Saint Louis University SLUCARE - October 5, 1997: "A Step In The Right Direction: Christopher Reeve Brings Words of Encouragement to St. Louisans".
- Grand Connections - November 1997: "Christopher Reeve Honored at Benefit for Spinal Cord Research".
- ABCNEWS.com - December 20, 1997: "Superman's Cape Tops Auction".
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