Other Websites: 1998
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(Also look in Autobiography "Still Me" for relevant links).
- Christopher Reeve: Yesterday & Today - A Hero for all Time.
- Akron Beacon Journal - February 27, 1998: "Profile in Courage".
- The Star-Ledger - February 28, 1998: "An all-star lineup joins Christopher Reeve in a primetime fund-raiser".
- Historia de un paciente: Christopher Reeve mas un superhombre - March 1998 (with photo and links).
- The Shawnee News-Star Online - March 20, 1998: "Christopher Reeve: Spending on health research can save billions".
- The New HealthExtras Benefit Program (with photo and video).
- Dagbladet - April 28, 1998: "Supermann ville de" (with photo).
- USA Today - May 4, 1998: "Reeve Maintains a Steely Determination" and "Scientists make strides in nerve research".
- US News & World Report - May 11, 1998: "Reeve's super struggle: The movies' Man of Steel fights for the day he can walk again" and "Grace under pain: Science is coming closer to a cure for spinal injuries".
- The University of Virginia Video Library has "Valedictory Exercises Highlights - May 16, 1998" as well as highlights from "Spinal Cord Injury in the Year 2005". Reeve and Dr. John Jane are among the panalists in the latter.
- The Age - June 7, 1998: "Beyond hope, the man who fell to" by Roger Franklin.
- Governor Pataki Press Release - July 14, 1998: "Governor: New Law Creates Spinal Cord Research Trust Fund".
- The Ragged Edge - July/August 1998: "Christopher Reeve on disability show plugs N.O.D., talks cure".
- San Jose Mercury News - September 23, 1998: "Reeve's message of recovery" by Glenn Lovell.
- BBC News - November 11, 1998: "Reeve's breath-taking movie return" (fifth story down with photo).
- San Francisco Chronicle - November 20, 1998: "A Hallmark Evening of Fear and Family" by John Carmon.
- The Augusta Chronicle - November 21, 1998: "Classic, good spirits mark Reeves return to the screen" (with photo that enlarges).
- BBC News- November 23, 1998: "Superman makes a comeback" (with photos).
- BBC News - November 27, 1998: "Reeve's role problems" (second story with photo).
- Soap Opera Digest - November 1998: "Soap Grad Christopher Reeve Stars in Hallmark's 'Rear Window'".
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