Christopher Reeve Homepage Guestbook Archive
Here is a (long) archive of messages from our old Guestbook. Feel free to browse through the entries below and read what other visitors to this website have written when signing the Guestbook.
Visit the current Christopher Reeve Homepage Guestbook to leave your own message or to read the most recent messages left by other visitors.
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Total: 183 entries
Name: Josh John
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Malaysia
Time: 2000-07-07 03:25:17
Just a quick note to say that you guys have an excellent site.You have great team spirit to keep the site going. Good luck and best wishes.
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 2000-06-16 07:57:37
Name: Martha Isabel
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Colombia, south america
Time: 2000-06-15 10:53:29
Hi. My name is Martha Isabel, i'm doctor. My colleague Nicolás, is doctor too, is just 30 years old, and last saturday (june 11), he suffered an accident injuring his spinal cord at level of C-3, C-4. He is now paralytic and
breathing thanks to an artificial breather. He is with desires of living.
The advances in my country about spinal cord injuries are very few. It is for this reason that I request help to who knows where I can go. Please, somebody help me. Help Nicolás... please!!!
Name: Adrian Kiaser
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Sydney,Australia
Time: 2000-06-09 12:14:10
Would like to say what a terriffic-site on Chris Reeve,whom Iv'e been a fan since his first-Superman and followed his acting career and check-up on his latest efforts on fund-raising and campaigning for spinal-cord injuries with much interest.
I bought his book Still Me, a while ago and and as a former Nurse whom cared for people with such injuries as well Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson'sam very aware of the day to day difficulties endured and the medical complication's that arise,my heart ached as a result but never the-less Mr.Reeve remain's an inspirational and remarkable success.
I am excited with growing antiscipation at the result's being made in this area and continue to believe eventually all spinal-cord patient's injurie's shall someday be a thing of the past,Sincerely a FAN!
Name: Charlotte
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 2000-06-05 17:27:00
I would just like to say that christopher reeve is the luckiest man I have ever heard of, although he is in a wheel chair , he survived this and he fought for his life, many people wouldnt bother to, but he showed everyone that he could do it, he is a real hero to me and im sure he is to so manny people, so if christopher reeve ever reads this" This is just a rainy time for you, very soon the sun will come out and bright your days up
Love always Charlotte
Name: Aaron Smolinski
Website: Aaron Smolinski's Acting Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: L.A.
Time: 2000-06-05 03:47:44
Mr. Reeve's was one of the nicest individuals that I have ever had the pleasure to work with. We are confident that if anyone could get through this situation it will be him. Our hearts are with you.
Love this page and what you are doing for him and the charity organization. Best of luck.
Name: Eli Alvarado
Referred by: Ad/Brochure/Magazine/Book
From: California
Time: 2000-05-19 07:52:15
I am a 25 year old male. I am quadraplegic since 1994. I live in a long term care/subacute facility in Joshua Tree, California. I am wanting to connect with other people like me. I am interested in partipating in any research programs for people like me. I am bored being in my present
situation and need to find some answers for my life. I would also like very much to speak to others in my condition and learn of how they cope. Please answer back. Thank you.
Name: Ms.Mehroo Fitter
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bombay-India
Time: 2000-05-18 21:38:51
The tragic incident of Christopher and the wonderful support of his wife and family and friends has touched me deeply. I long to read some news about him. I think he is my very real life hero,and I wish him and his family Best of Luck! God Bless!
Name: Caitlyn Milot
Referred by: Netscape Net Search
From: Quebec, Canada
Time: 2000-05-17 11:35:31
Hi, I just wanted to say that I got the chance to be a Millenium Dreamer and was amazed by what Walt Disney, McDonald's and U.N.E.S.C.O. did for all the participants, and I know that Mr. Reeves dosn't read this webpage but I wanted to say that his speech was so inspiring and motivating for individuals everywhere. He has had to face so many challenges but he always keeps his hopes up. I was so honored to be a part of the celebration and to be 1 of the 2000 " heros" as he said behind him. Thank you Mr. Reeve. Love, Caitlyn
Name: Megan
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Darien,Ct
Time: 2000-05-16 10:21:37
I got to see Christopher Reeves, when he came to my school on May 15,2000. I was very anxious to see him, someone famous. He made the greatest speech I have ever heard. I was in tears, I realized he was my hero. He is my hero because he is not death kill him, he lives on. he has changed the was i look at things. I am glad he is started to regain feeling, and i hope he feels everywhere soon. Thank you christopher for opening my heart.
Name: emily greene
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 2000-05-03 17:09:29
7 yrs ago I ruptured 3 discs in my neck, C4-6. For 6 yrs, every day, I faced the possibility of complete paralysis. I never get into a car, onto a bicycle, whatever, without the the thought that if there is an accident, I become Christina Reeve. My condition is more stable now & I can be more active. But every time I see or hear of Christopher Reeve, a shudder runs through me. He ought to be dead. If he had died, his family would have come to terms by now and not be going through this. The only reason for his continued existence is one which, tragically, can never benefit him -- spinal cord research. His life is an obscene parody of life and any mention of him ought to be at least PG-13.
Name: Ricky
Website: Gallery
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Hongkong
Time: 2000-04-29 18:48:11
I'm very like this location. But I need some pics of Christopher reeve just in underwear pics or nude gallery, not in superman wear. I want you send to me oke.
Thanks so much Steve
Name: Jerry Pitzer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Perry Georgia
Time: 2000-04-28 01:52:49
This is a very nice website.
Name: Ian Mercer
Website: none
Referred by: Other Search Engine
From: England UK
Time: 2000-04-28 01:17:55
I have signed the guest book before and keep looking in every now and then and I feel so sad regarding the anger of some signees to the guestbook regarding Chris.Hey guys he's a human being who was injured in an accident and is coming to terms with it in the best way that he can.The fact that he is rich and famous isn't relevant to that.For me he's an inspiration and I'd bet Chris would trade every penny/cent he ever earned to be able to restore his full mobility.So come on guys,I know everyone's entitled to their view but surely everyone wishes Chris and his family well for the future.He has his down days and knock backs like everyone else and not once have I heard him express any bitterness or self pity regarding his condition or the accident which caused it.Keep fighting Chris....you are grand human being.
Name: sandeep
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: India
Time: 2000-04-22 17:47:55
I have only seen 4 of his movies. "Above Suspicion" was outstanding. The Man was so spooky, he made my hair stand up. Now thats what I call acting.
I admire his courage and determination inspite of what all he is going thru at the moment.
He'll always be one of my favourite actors.
Name: J.Wiebe
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada
Time: 2000-04-22 15:24:04
I have an autographed copy of Superman from when it was beingfilmed in High River, Alberta. I would like to know how I canverify its authenticity. If anyone can help me out please let me know. Thank you.
Name: Robert C. Thompson
Website: Roberts science fiction images
Referred by: Alta Vista
From: Abbotsford, Canada
Time: 2000-04-21 15:33:34
Let's see another Superman movie that doesn't destoy the integrity of the Christopher Reeve films. I don't beleive Nicholas Cage, as good an actor as he is, is interested in portraying Kal-el as a true heroe, but as an outsider, probably somewhat darker, and less idealistically.
And of course, best wishes to Mr. Reeve, in the continued hope for research that will help him, and thousands of others in the same predicament.
Name: Brenda Shorter
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Culpeper, VA
Time: 2000-04-18 23:14:50
I live about 15 miles from Commonwealth Park, that's where Chris Reeve was seriously injured.
Name: stuart bell
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Grimsby.United Kingdom
Time: 2000-04-11 07:37:46
my wife cares for a young man with the same injury as christopher.he was in the navy until the accident.
Name: Alan
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: York, Pennsylvania
Time: 2000-04-07 10:03:50
Hi my name is Alan from york, Pa. I just wanted to know why Cristopher is so admired? I'm interested in knowing things beyond the obvious like why does he have such a wide or devoted following? and what need does he fill for those who are admirers? and what kind of values does does he represent? If anyone could answe those questions it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Alan
Name: rani and meir
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: israel
Time: 2000-04-04 17:46:56
dear christopher.
we want to say that we are very very impressed by ther way you deal with your accident.
we also would like to wish you a quick recover, and have a nice life
cya, rani and meir
Name: sharon
Website: YAHOO
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Brooklyn
Time: 2000-04-04 06:53:34
I think that Reeve is a nice and good man. He is my favorite artor of all time and I almost seen all of his movies. I hope and wish him to walk again.
Name: Billy Truong
Website: Official Billy Truong
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 2000-04-04 03:47:00
This is a nice web site about chris. Who ever made this web site way to go!
Name: Carmen Cruz
Website: Yahoo!
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Puerto Rico
Time: 2000-04-02 11:00:48
Hellow ,
My name is CCruz and will and my father is Paraplegic, three years ago he had an accident and can't move from his arms down. Thanks to god he can move his hands, but do not have balance in his back. He can't sit alone like others. I would like to meet people with experience and to share experience about this meaning. My family suffered alot and we know that the cure is far from making it posible. But like you know God is always giving us support and without him this would be imposible to understand. Life is beautifull and we must give Thanks to God always. The reason I am writing is that I would like to meet people and learn more about Paraplegic, and know if their is any new good news or new investigations lately.
Hoping to receive an answer soon.
Name: AsrAsrMan
Website: Superman - Superman Lives
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Far, far away
Time: 2000-03-30 14:09:06
Great site. I have been visiting for a long time, but never took the time to fill out the guestbook. See ya. Link to my site if possible from here (I'll link to yours tomorrow). :)
Name: Jordan Guy
Website: stories from the net
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Florence,Alabama
Time: 2000-03-28 06:16:31
My name is Jordan Guy. I just want to say that You are a very brave man. I am doing a speech on overcomming pesimism and living a life of faith in God, at the opryland Convintion Center in April,and I need some information if you would be kind enough to give it to me.
1.What specificly happend in the accident?
2.What is your plan for the future?
3.When did you decide to Overcome the(pessimism)of the accident and decide to get better? What helped you to decide this?
If you would answer these I would be very greatful!
Just remember,"I(You)can do all things through Christ Which strenghthens me(You)! LK.2:52.
-Thank You
Jordan Patrick Guy
Name: Ana
Website: Dingdong-Toni: A Perfect Match
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Angeles City, Philippines
Time: 2000-03-18 21:04:29
This is a very comprehensive webpage. I admire Christopher Reeve and he really is Superman. He is an inspiration and I hope he continues his work. I wish for him to be well, completely well and for him to live longer so that he can inspire more people and make them realize that life is precious. Thanks for this great website!
Name: Lisa Borrell
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Hastings, Nebraska
Time: 2000-03-13 11:05:34
I have read both of the books and is Christopher's Number 1 Fan!!! I love Chris!!!
Name: Alicia
Referred by: Other Search Engine
From: New York
Time: 2000-03-13 06:15:52
I am doing a term paper on Reeves and i was wondering if youcould give me some info or tell me where i could find some.
Name: Deb
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Fl.
Time: 2000-03-09 14:54:11
Hey, Ive been a big fan of Christopher for a while now. I own most of his movies. Some of them were actually hard to find. I enjoy learning as much as I can about Chris. I hope one day to be one of the lucky ones that has a chance to meet him. I do believe that there will be a cure for paralisis one day, and Christopher is going to be the one to help find it with the help of our Lord In Heaven.
Name: Alejandra Mancilla
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mexico City
Time: 2000-03-03 07:53:21
It had been some time since not hearing about Christopher Reeve, at least not in Mexico, so I decided to look on the Internet. I found so many details of his life which were unknown to me... I don't know if people often cry when reading about him, but I did. Anyone with such a strength and will to hold on to life in such conditions, deserves my whole admiration. I truly hope time continues passing by without people forgetting about him.
Name: no way
Website: yahoo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 2000-03-03 06:23:34
Website: yahoo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Indiana
Time: 2000-03-03 02:34:56
I never was much a superman fan, it was just by accident that I was watching a suspense movie with Mr. Reeve in it and was surprised by his great performance. The movie was called Above Suspicion and I couldn't beleive it. Ever since then, I get any movie with Mr. Reeve in it, except, Superman, who knows though, after I see all of his Movies, I just might do that.
Name: Steve Morgan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Devon, England!
Time: 2000-02-29 03:06:54
I'd be very interested to hear from anyone who has any reliable information or experiences concerning the treatments taking place in Mexico; "Live-Cell Therapy".
Does anyone know how or even indeed when the World Health Organisation is going to acknowledge what is happening over there as a "treatment" for some spinal cord injuries? Also, does anybody have any ideas of why it is so incredibly expensive?($85'000)Is this likely to change?
We have recently heard from very reliable friends that a friend of thiers has had incredible results in just the last 4 weeks since his first treatment at the institute in Tijuana, Mexico. This is absolutely fascinating news, however it doesn't seem to be very widely known or respected for some reason.
I know this is one of many therapies being developed and there is exciting news breaking all the time. We check this website regularly (sometimes daily) to see what news of Christopher Reeve there is and whats happening regarding clinical trials and date projections, etc. You are doing a fantastic job!!! Keep going!!!!!!!!
Any information or insights to my request will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Steve M.
Name: 45445
Website: 3erer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: ererere
Time: 2000-02-28 14:52:43
Name: chelsea blakemore
Website: yahoo!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: south africa
Time: 2000-02-23 05:10:22
i think that it is very nice of you to do this.
it must be horrible to wake up every morning and
find you can't move.
Name: Justin L. Cousson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Lanham, MD
Time: 2000-02-18 11:24:29
My Story
Hi everyone, My name is Justin Cousson, and while I never met Mr.Reeve I have a story to tell.
My dad was a big comics fan, a he now has a collection of over 12,000, I became hooked on Superman.
On my 4th birthday, my cousin Marco gave me a prsent I'd never forget: Superman:The Movie.
, Oh how I loved it! I ended up buying all the Superman movies and seeing most of Reeve's other works, from Somewhere in Time, to Rear Window.
May 27,1995, My birthday, a friend of my dad's got me 2 autographed photos of Mr.Reeve inscribed in two ways, photo 1:Happy Birthday Justin, Christopher Reeve and photo 2: to Justin from superman, CR, but that was the same day fate prevailed, Christopher Reeve was paralyzed the same day.
My parents tried to tell me and I was sad, and to tell you the truth, I still am, some of those 5 year old tears are returning, I learned to accept things as they are and I hop Mr. reeve gets better soon.
Someone once offered me $500 for one of those photos, but I wouldn't sell it for all the money in the world.
Memories are priceless
Name: Steve Morgan
Website: Christopher Reeve Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: England.
Time: 2000-02-18 05:14:08
Keep up the fantastic work, you're doing a wonderful service to those disabled who are fighting with all they can to get out of those (these) wheelchairs for good!
Christopher Reeve's efforts are incredible at keeping the spirits up and the patience and at keeping us focussed on that "big day" when we can all finally begin to look back on all this.
To end I'd just like to say how sad it was to read such a narrow-minded and uneducated, bitter signing from a certain GLEN PAUL earlier. What a jerk! Get with the program!
Name: Wes Cook
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Anderson, INDIANA
Time: 2000-02-17 10:00:22
Christophere Reeve was my favorite actor up through my younger years. I am only 18 yrs. old now, but I have loved the Superman Movies from the time they came out! My older brothers and I would watch Superman I, II, and III straight in a row about once a month! We really loved seeing our favorite actor play Superman and the not so swift Clark Kent! My mother had a still born baby a few years after she had me and I asked my mom if it's name could have been Clark Kent Cook and she agreed. My whole family loved the name so thats what we tell people about the brother we could have had! I think that Christopher Reeve's doing a wonderful thing with the Paralytic Foundation and I think that he is really showing strength and giving will power to others that are paralized in his life!
I still look up to him a role model!
Wesley Cook
Name: Nick
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: South Africa
Time: 2000-02-08 00:50:52
I would just like to say that I am doing a oral on Christopher Reeve and so far I have learnt much more about life.And I'm really sorry about the accident.
Name: Glen Paul
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 2000-02-04 08:48:23
Dear Superman: you talk alot about disabillities and you advertise,you get paid for insurance ads.YOU got a tough break but I tell you are still sitting pretty good compared to a lot of people.Your a big movie star so everyone kisses your ass but in the real world pal ordinary people that get hurt like you get treated like shit. yours truly glen paul
Name: Maria
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sweden
Time: 2000-02-03 03:09:31
To Richard Olcese.
I am very tired of whiners. Chris Reeve done more for us in five years than others done for decades. I am 22. 7 years I have spent in a wheelchair. My life have a meaning becourse of this guy. He have given me my hopes and dreams back. Let him do whatever he wants. He is worth it damn it! He doesent have to do anything of those things he does. He does NOT have to fight for us. But he does. You on the other hand have`nt done anything to make me feel better. Creep back to your so called normal life and leave us who still have hopes and dreams alone.
Name: Richard Olcese
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: earth
Time: 2000-02-02 08:23:41
This triad was caused by the super bowl commercial, but I have felt this way for a long time You people make me sick. As a 57 year old 6-7 quad who rides a wheel chair and tries to get on with his so called normal life. What good has the SUPER fund raising given to my 1,ooo,ooo brothers and sisters? Alot of us so called diabled people have all used sympathy and walkies paranoa, but you guys take it to a new level. Please tell your devoted ICON (is it his courage??? ....what a joke) Get a ,job, and try with the time left over to make the would a more assessable place for all.Richard Olcesepo 1707 San Anselmo CA. 94979415-454-8782rico@linex.com
Website: welcome to paranews information & feedback
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 2000-02-01 23:21:01
Name: kc
Website: none
Referred by: Lycos
From: Oklahoma, Hugo
Time: 2000-01-31 10:24:10
Can new research help Christopher walk anytime soon
Name: zaza gazashvili
Website: zaza
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: republic of georgia
Time: 2000-01-29 21:48:38
hi christopher how are you I will connect you soonI want to tell you about my frien who is like younow goodbye.connect you soonz_gazashvili@hotmail.com
Name: lucy
Website: n/a
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: indiana
Time: 2000-01-29 16:10:33
I admire Christopher for his courage.
Name: Arthur Gonzales
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: phoenix Az
Time: 2000-01-28 16:12:45
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Willmar Minnesota
Time: 2000-01-28 05:58:36
I look up to you as a friend I have fath in you you can write me frankschwalmbox 3030 Willmar Minnesota56201.
Name: Al Guapone
Website: Al Guapone
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Italy!
Time: 2000-01-24 00:54:24
Name: Ian Mercer
Website: None
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Yorkshire,England
Time: 2000-01-23 23:10:16
Christopher was interviewed live on UK televsion this morning by Sir David Frost.He is an inspiration to everyone and makes those of us who are physically able so grateful for it.God bless you Chris,we are all rootin for you for the future and the hope you have brought to all those with similar disabilities.By the way to the Rev Richard Stewart earlier in the guest book the film in which Chris starred with Anthony Hopkins was the Remains of the Day.
Name: Stephen Glerum
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: York, Pennsylvania
Time: 2000-01-23 10:55:33
Christopher Reeve has, undoubtedly, been my all-time favorite since I was 2. I am 17 now, and still admire how his will in life has surpassed that of his famous role as Superman. He has defined to us what a hero is, and at the same time is a living example of what trajedies we face as humans. It has been my wish ever since his accident, to write to him and tell him how highly I think of him and his courage.
Name: george dukes
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: russellville ky 270 725 9514
Time: 2000-01-23 10:19:55
hi all i am a parapligic from ky , i have a wife an 3children , i am on the vagrant plan , i recieve $500 a month witch they tell me is my fault an my problem , the gov is not of the people any longer it is its own entity or it would take better care of its nations handicapped an elderly the money is there an we all know it hey lets get together an storm the white house amillion wheelchairs why not call me email me 1-270-725-9514 they saved my life in order for me to worry myself to death i have tried a little bit of every thing i get food stamps an have recieved help with my elec bill from the comuity action people so who am i to get off on such a rant with so many people worse off than me why not maby we live better than most countries an maby politicions live better . but the comon people live hand to mouth . i wish i could say what i think to the world but it cost to much . if i where rich an powerful people would listen .thats the way it works money talks an bullshit walks . i would like to talk to you an leave this on the message board .thanks for listening mega sincerly george w dukes ps sorry about thetyping as i dont know how
Name: THE GODFoca
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Brazil
Time: 2000-01-22 22:29:59
Hello, xaraiada!
I want would like to known if the romantic theme from Superman is played by Barbra Streisand.
Name: Pedro Pã, O Foca Rosa
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Est. Comt. Ferraz, Antartic
Time: 2000-01-21 14:40:42
Hello, super-guys!
I'm a great fa of Christy Reeve. And Robin Williams too.
Also, I discovered tha Chrity and Robin are very good friends. It's fantastic!
And so, I prey: please, brothers! Gi'me a photoe of the two together! Pleeeeeese!
(contact me by christopherreeve@bol.com.br)
Name: Pedro Paulo Siruffo Pereira Neto
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Time: 2000-01-21 14:15:47
Christopher Reeve...
Simplismente, meu herói, meu pai!
Minha vida mudou completamente no momento em que dexei de encarar Christy como Superman, passando a ver nesse homem, um ser humano que já foi o mais perfeito dos deuses e que, mesmo após seu trágico acidente, continua iluminando nossos coraçoes com seu caráter, amizade e simpatia!
Meus sinceros e humildes cumprimentos ao Deus Grego Christopher Reeve.
Name: Maria
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 2000-01-17 06:29:41
Thank you Steve for this wonderful, wonderful page about lovely Christopher Reeve. If I had a prize to hand out I would give it to you. THANK YOU!!!
Name: Amanda Ryan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: London
Time: 2000-01-11 10:49:56
This is an exvellent page - well worth looking for.
Name: Amy Whitwam
Website: Association of Youth with M.E. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Huddersfield, Yorkshire - ENGLAND
Time: 2000-01-09 23:20:41
I would just like to say that this web-page is excellent. It is a very friendly page to visit and it is good being about to talk to others about your views - Thanks
Love Amy
Name: Mike Artigues
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mississippi
Time: 2000-01-02 10:36:32
Just curious - I didn't see it, but I understand Christopher Reeve was interviewed on one of the major networks during the New Year's Eve celebration and that he made some comments regarding Pope John Paul II. Do you know anything about this or where I can find a transcript. I'm interested.Thanks,Mike
Name: Rev. Richard Stewart
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Originally, Boston area, Now Western Massachusetts
Time: 1999-12-28 12:00:35
Dear Chris, I met you once briefly out in western Mass. You had your twin Beech at the North Adams Airport. I almost had you talked into taking me flying, as I used to fly The Beech Duke, Baron, and Twin Bonanza in the USAF as a teenage Cadet. Meeting you in person at the Summer Stock out in Western Mass was really neet. You were so down to earth, yet bore intellectual intelligence, and you were so polite. The Day I learned of your paralyzing accident, the selfish side of me rose up and said now I'll never get to fly with him. Not just because I was a fan, but meeting you and almost having you talked into taking me and a couple of other guys for a short flight around The Western Mass, Southern Vermont corner, with you would have been really cool. Ihavd had several planes of my own but I no longer own a plane. Since my youth I am a professional aviation bum, almost a whore, anything to talk someone into taking me flying. I was very glad to see you last year on the Oprah Show. I often think it could have been me. I have oft escaped serious injury time and again even though I have sustained serious injury. You once appeared in an Anthony Hopkins movie, the name is only partially in my memory, it was called Something "Darlington Castle." You played an American senator who was part of the negotiations the British nobility had with the Germans in attempts to keep the Germans from bringing on war with it's neighbors, and eventually you ended up being the owner of the castle in the end. How come I never see that movie in the list of movie accomplishments? Are you doing any directing? Has any of the autonomic nerve action returned even just a little?I hope I have the opportunity to meet you face to face again someday. God Bless you & Love AlwaysRev. Richard StewartHOlyoke, Mass
Name: Helga
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Switzerland
Time: 1999-12-13 20:41:07
Christopher Reeve is one of the strongest people I`ve ever seen. Since I read his book "Still me", I`m a great admirer of Chris. I pray for him every day again. In my mind I`m with him.
Name: Maria
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sweden
Time: 1999-12-08 06:50:39
First, Excuse me for my bad English.
I saw Superman the movie when I was about four or five. It became my favorite movie. I could watch it several times a day. I was absolutley sure I would marry the beauteful Superman. He was the number one guy for me. Now when I am 22 he still is. And there can be only one Superman. Christopher Reeve. Thank you Chris for giving me the one true Superman. I love you and I always will. You are very special. I admire everything you do.
Name: DeWayne
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: PA.
Time: 1999-12-07 10:24:28
Where did Christopher Reeves Accident take place ??
Which City or Town & Which State ??
I am pretty sure that I know the State !! I think that it was in VA. If so, is the Town or City on RT. 17 ???
Steve, if you would happend to know this information , could you please send me an E-MAIL and tell me if I am right or not ?? And Thank You for your time in-regards to this question that I have !!! Once again "Thank You" !!! DeWayne.
Name: Clint Archer
Website: superman homepage
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Canton, Texas
Time: 1999-12-06 10:45:05
Go Chris!!! I believe it is great what he is doing and has done. Keep Doing The Good Work! I support you in spirit only because I hove no Money (yet) to donate.
Clint Archer
Name: Sean Patrick
Referred by: Other Search Engine
From: Ohio
Time: 1999-11-20 07:40:19
This is a good tribute to a GREAT person. Christopher Reeve has risen above any title or skill in which he excelled. He is a person we can all look at as a symbol of pure GUTS and COURAGE. I believe he WILL walk again and will cheer for him.
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: livingston, texas
Time: 1999-11-20 07:16:25
Name: Arthur Cutter
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: england
Time: 1999-11-17 03:44:17
I would be interested to hear from anyone who has a hand cranked bike.
Name: Jean Folstrom
Website: Not sure
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Minnesota
Time: 1999-11-06 01:39:08
Admire Christopher Reeve for all his support and appearances that he has given for people who are in his position. He is a very brave and wonderful person!
Name: QZA
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Tallahassee,FL
Time: 1999-11-02 12:51:23
I really just wanted to support your website and support any fans of Mr. Reeve who are still out there. I just saw a new Dateline interview and talked about his youngest son. They said anytime any other kid is sad or sitting alone at school, his son goes over and puts his arm around 'em. That, to me, means a lot. Thanx.
Name: Marc
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: British Columbia, Canada
Time: 1999-10-30 11:18:03
There will be a segment on CNN at 8 or 9 EST. Sunday Oct.31, that will include an update on the progress in spinal cord research and some words by Christopher Reeve. Hope this helps.
Sincerely, Marc,
P.S. If you are in either direct or indirect contact with Mr. and Mrs. Reeve, please tell them to keep up all of the great work and thank you for fighting to walk again.
Name: lee citrine
Website: DCHQ
Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1999-10-28 20:19:35
I think that Christopher Reeve is the real live Superman and I hope he makes a full recovery CONGRADULATIONS CHRISTOPHER FOR BEING THE ONE AND ONLY SUPERMAN
Name: Jim
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Philadelphia, PA
Time: 1999-10-28 15:23:25
I think it is sickening how people like you are helping Christopher Reeves to wallow in his self-pity. Mr. Reeves has not been allowed to greive or to really come to terms with his injury. Yet he is being exploited and madean icon for the pariahs who want to fund their research for a cure.There are people with disabilities, like myself, who love being disabled. We are PROUD to be disabled. We don't need a cure. We need society to open up its mind and stop building barriers to keep us out!
Name: Chris Hennig
Website: Star War and Superman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Time: 1999-10-25 16:29:43
Christopher I was torn apart when I heard of your accident. I watch you in the Superman movies, and I started to cry when I watch for the first after you fell. You're are my hero and will always countinue to be no matter what goes on. You made me take a look at the world through your eyes when I read you Autobiography. I would like the honor to Thank you for all the memories and best of luck. I hope you and your family stay in touch. You can have someone send a e-mail to me at lord_barron@hotmail.com. One more thing when I heard you still wanted to live even after what happened, it meade me think that the world would not be the same with out you or myself. One of your number one fans Chris H
Name: J.J.E
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Rochester, NH
Time: 1999-10-21 10:16:22
Hi Chris,
I'm writing you this to say hi, and to let you know that you still have fans in NH. I for one remember watchinh you as Superman on TV when I was a little girl. I thought that you were a good rolemodel for kids like me who didn't have a dad to be one. So I adopted Clark Kent as mine. I am now older, have a desk job, and in College. I don't know if you'll see this but I wanted you to know that you were and are a part of who I am. I donk know if that seems strange to you but it's true. There were a lot of tough times for me and it was my faith that good would win (so to speek) that kept me going. I am now 26 years old and I still have a lot of "old fashion" ideas, but though I have my own as well, it was you're role and one other special family member which helped me through it. I always wanted to meet you. I also loved Somewhere in Time, it's my mothers favorit movie so I got it for her. I just wanted to thank you for somthing you didn't even know you did... helped teach and mold me into the person I am today. A good, friendly, honest, loving, and help out all those that I can type of person...Thank you...I am shure that there are more like me out there...you know Supermans kids !!! we just grew up and now are just Superpeople !! love ya Always
Name: Deanna Liptak
Website: Sliders Central
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: P.A.
Time: 1999-10-15 04:23:39
Christopher is such a role model to all of those whom ride horses andto all of those who are paralized.
Name: Steve Brown
Website: Victory Music
Referred by: Other Search Engine
From: Vashon Island, Washington, USA
Time: 1999-10-15 02:09:55
I'm a fan of Christopher Reeve, but I'm a bigger fan of another quadriplegic young man, Chris Cuevas.
While Christopher Reeve has suffered the results of a terrible tragic accident, Chris Cuevas and his mother have lived out an isolated nightmare caused by a drunken driver over 8 years ago.
I'm not posting this message to in any way denigrate Christopher Reeves - not at all - my purpose is to solicit any ideas on how to help Chris Cuevas and his mother. You see, Chris became a quadriplegic at age 20. Complications have left him with many other health problems requiring his mother to take care of him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They survive on a small amount of money coming in from disability, and are in danger of losing their home, and what little they possess.
Chris and his mother are incredibly heroic, loving, kind, and generous people, and if anyone out there has ideas for resources to help them, I would be very appreciative to hear from you.
In the meantime, if you would like to send Chris an e-mail message, he can be reached at coolcc@webtv.net. You can reach me at the e-mail address above if you have questions or ideas.
Thank you,
Steve Brown
Name: Ziad Hakim
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Beirut, Lebanon
Time: 1999-09-21 05:15:27
Hey Chris, you're the best, I am paralyzed too and I wish that we will walk soon.You have been a great help and hope in spinal cord injury and I am looking forward to meetyou one day cause we both are not just sitting and waiting for the cure to come up but at the same timewe will never loose this hope and we will WALK AGAIN as long as you are working on it.Keep up the good work, my friend.Ziad.
Name: ALVAREZ Gilles
Website: Cristopher REEVE homepage
Referred by: Netscape Net Search
From: Bordeaux FRANCE
Time: 1999-09-11 08:53:10
I am a fan of Chris. He is my heros.I enjoy his battle.He's wonderful.Cris, i am with you. You can trust me.Superman is alive, really alive.THE SHOW MUST GO ON.BYE. see you soon.I would like to meet christopher REEVE.
Name: Sergio Pompini
Website: Rear Window
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Swizerland
Time: 1999-08-19 00:14:10
In Memory to Alfred Hitchcock, James Stewart,Grace Kelly and Christopher Reeve we have composed the song Rear Window.
Have a nice time and good look
Crazy Gio from Razorback
Name: Tracy Pearcey
Website: Christopher Reeve Hompage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Portsmouth, England
Time: 1999-08-16 05:48:29
I think Christopher Reeve is a marvellous actor and I have many(but not enough!) of his movies on video. I would love to email other Reeve fans, especially from the USA. The Homepage on the internet is excellent and I am always visiting if for updates. Look forward to hearing from other fans.
Name: Tracy Pearcey
Website: Christopher Reeve Hompage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Portsmouth, England
Time: 1999-08-16 05:48:12
I think Christopher Reeve is a marvellous actor and I have many(but not enough!) of his movies on video. I would love to email other Reeve fans, especially from the USA. The Homepage on the internet is excellent and I am always visiting if for updates. Look forward to hearing from other fans.
Name: Christopher Livingston-Raper
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: England, United Kingdom
Time: 1999-07-28 09:57:56
I read his biography, Still Me, and couldn't help but be moved by such a brave man. Would I have the courage to continue like he has....I'm not sure. There are thousands like him around the world and it takes a special person to fight like he has. I really hope medical science evolves to a degree that he and others who have been robbed of there basic rights to walk tall can once walk again like me and you.
As someone once said...A rough road leads to the stars....
Name: SuperJapaneseGirl
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Fukuoka in Japan
Time: 1999-07-18 04:48:56
Excuse me, my English isn't good.
Hi,I'm SuperJapaneseGirl! I'm fling all around the world for saving peace day night and. Have you ever looked me? Open the window and look up the sky...
Chiristpher is my prince in my heart! I really love him.Actually he is older than my dad,but it's not problem! I hope I could meet him someday.I'll massage him then! I want let him feel comfortable as much as I can :) But I'm afraid if I broke his shoulder...because I have super power as like SuperMan!!!
Name: Cheryl Harding
Website: Carl and Cheryl's Homepage
Referred by: Other Search Engine
From: Essex, England - originally, South Africa!
Time: 1999-06-29 03:25:45
I had the pleasure of watching Oprah's interview with Christopher, and just a few days later saw his movie on T.V.
It is such a humbling experience seeing Christopher speak so positively about life. Having nearly lost mine a few years ago, I could understand the challenge he is faced with. But I still found myself feeling comparatively small, especially when I bitch and moan about things I take so for granted!
I wish Christopher all the love in the world.
God bless him and keep him. God make his face to shine upon him.
Love and best wishes,
Name: Beverly Smith
Website: yahoo
Referred by: Other Search Engine
From: alabama
Time: 1999-06-28 11:56:14
This is a great page you have dedicated to Christopher Reeve
this tribute to him has been greatly appreciated
Name: Roy L. Morgan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Vandalia, Ohio.......just north of Dayton.
Time: 1999-06-27 16:12:43
I'm hoping some how this message would get through to Christopher Reeve himself or maybe his wife. I had a very bad accident 5 years ago. I fell at work 45 feet. I was going up a wood pole to change a couple of light bulbs for a football stadium. I didn't make it all the way up. I have an idea or invention in my head that I believe in my heart that it would make life so much easier on thousands. I'm afraid to make a move on it. This thing I have in my head would help so many in more ways than one. It's so simple I can't hardly believe someone else hasn't already came up with something like this. But I been searching the internet for sometime and only found something that was close but not near as easy to use.
Name: Todd
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1999-06-21 08:25:32
I like you're web page but I think there should be more information about the process there doing in finding a cure. People say there close but how close?
Name: Colleen Moomey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Muscatine, IA
Time: 1999-06-07 08:40:44
Christopher Reeve is one of my favorite actors. I just loved him in "Rear Window"-which I've seen about 10 times. He truly is an amazing actor. Can't wait until he is up walking again. I loved his autobiography-I've read it twice.
Name: Lynn Ordiway T-910 Para...
Website: excite
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Northern Michigan...
Time: 1999-06-02 13:51:53
I am interested in being a research volunteer. Ihave been in the chair for thirteen years -T910 parapalegic.But I am very active,and have a positive outlook on life, as well as being very motivated. I believe i would be anexcellent candidate for any kind of research developement.If you feel you must contact me for any reason please do soat lordiway@hotmail.comThank You and God BlessMr. Lynn R. Ordiway
Name: Veronica
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Italy
Time: 1999-05-30 00:47:24
i am a fan of Christopher Reeve
Name: francoise
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: quebec-canada
Time: 1999-05-27 10:09:01
I'm doing a reserch on remarkable people .
I thinh christopher reeve is a god example for that subject
If you have any informations about this subject
mail to satiniscool007@hotmail.com
Website: www.dccomics.com
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1999-05-25 09:26:45
my name is patricio perez and have 22 years old I Knew of your accidet and I wait that you better of all heart I desire it my film favorite and the but recalled is superman
if you wish to write is going my e-mail gprs@waccom.net.ec
did farewell me greeting
Name: Big Daddy
Website: Lyrics
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: St. Louis
Time: 1999-05-14 22:57:30
Christopher Reeve you have been a big inspiration to everyone and I would like to commend you on it.
Name: Susan
Referred by: Netscape Net Search
From: US of A
Time: 1999-05-13 00:30:27
I have plenty of Christopher Reeve interviews, awards showappearances, footage, tv appearances, etc. accumulated overthe years.Visit my website. MAIN PAGE: http://pws.prserv.net/susan/mypage.html FILMS: http://pws.prserv.net/susan/films.html AWARDS: http://pws.prserv.net/susan/awards.html FOOTAGE: http://pws.prserv.net/susan/footage.htm TV SHOWS: http://pws.prserv.net/susan/tvshows.htm Also, a friend of mine without internet access is seekingTHE LAST FERRY HOME and she says Reeve did an interview with Susan Sarandonfor the Circle of Friends. Can anyone help? Thanx!
Name: Susan
Website: eBay
Referred by: Netscape Net Search
From: US of A
Time: 1999-05-13 00:25:42
I have plenty of Christopher Reeve interviews, awards show appearances, tvshow appearances I collected over the years. Visit my website, click EDIT, FIND,and type in "Reeve." MAIN PAGE: http://pws.prserv.net/susan/mypage.htmlFILMS: http://pws.prserv.net/susan/films.htmlAWARDS: http://pws.prserv.net/susan/awards.htmlFOOTAGE: http://pws.prserv.net/susan/footage.htmTV SHOWS: http://pws.prserv.net/susan/tvshows.htmA friend of mine without internet access wants to know where you can get a copy of "The Last Ferry Home" and says Reeve did an interview with Susan Sarandon for "Circle of Friends."Can anyone help?
Name: Dannella Whitney
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Missouri
Time: 1999-05-13 00:00:46
Mr. Reeve is to be the best man around. I have loved superman since I can remember and superman just isn't superman without Mr. Reeve.
Name: nancy
Website: anything with spinal cord info
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: vancouver canada
Time: 1999-05-04 06:02:59
I have a son that is a c2 quad on a vent like chris reeve
2 years since his car accident
I am always on the net looking for updated research for the cure.
Name: Shannon Bax
Website: Christopher Reeve Home Page
Referred by: Excite
From: Decatur, Georgia
Time: 1999-05-02 15:04:50
Hi Chirs. I would like to say, "this is a great website"!!!!! Keep up thegood work!!!!! You area very special persom to me. I love you. The first time I saw you was when I was at the age of 7 years old and you were staring in Superman. I loved you since then, and I love you now still.I would also like to thank you very much for providing us the information because it has really been useful for me and my reseatch!!!!! Thank you!!!!! Thank you!!!!! Thank you!!!!! When I heard about your spinal cord injury it really devastated me. I have a lot of hopes for you. I pray foryou that you will be able to walk again. You will be able to fly again!!!!!! You keep up the positive attitude about healing and being able to walk in 2 to 3 years from now. I hope you will be able to walk sooner than that!!!!! Take care!!!!! Bye!
Name: Michelle
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: TN
Time: 1999-04-06 05:43:26
I Love this website. I am truly amazed at all the info in it!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate all the work you must have put into it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is very nice and I just wanted to make sure you knew that I was impressed!!!!!!
I would love an email if you want to send me one!!!!!
Thanks Again!!!!!!
Name: ali fancher
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: arizona
Time: 1999-04-03 05:59:13
i'm paralyzed too. i'm on my way to walking after two years of physical therapy. i was paralyzed in a car accident.
Name: ali fancher
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: arizona
Time: 1999-04-03 05:59:13
i'm paralyzed too. i'm on my way to walking after two years of physical therapy. i was paralyzed in a car accident.
Name: Mark Gilliver
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Kokstad
Time: 1999-03-31 21:18:05
Please Help me
I know this is not the right page to ask for this but i am desperate.
I am looking for an email address for Christopher Reeve, in regard to the following:
On Saturday 27 March 1999, Kokstad Rugby Club Played a match against Richards Bay Rugby Club, one of the players broke his neck and is in a critical condition in hospital. He is only 22 years old, and paralysed.
If anybody could please assist us in finding an email address for Christpher Reeve it would be greatly appreciated as we think that a word of encouragement from him would do this young man's emotional state the world of good.
Name: Tina Frei
Website: don't have one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Weiser
Time: 1999-03-27 01:30:33
I really enjoy this website but I don't get to do this to often sincerly Tina.
Name: laura Ferree
Website: Christopher reeves homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: pennsylvania, redlion
Time: 1999-03-17 06:52:25
i'm currently, writting a report for a man can be destoryed, but not defeated and i choose to do it on Christopher Reeves. He has done so much, and came so far. I would love to see him be able to walk again.
Name: Todd
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1999-03-11 05:14:19
just came to check
Name: Henry Pham
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: USA, CA
Time: 1999-03-08 15:58:56
Please forward this letter to Christopher Reeve who was an actor of Superman. Please consider my letter as matter of life and death. My old name was TuanNgoc Pham. My new name is Henry Pham. My present address is 3606 Tuers Road San Jose CA 95121. My phone number is 408-578-5384. I write this letter to ask Christopher Reeve an important question. I don't know the truth but people say that I am the lost son of Prince Charles in England. Prince Charles had traveled to Vietnam where he met my mother and gave birth to me. i would like to ask Christopher Reeve does he has any knowledge of this. People say that Prince Charles had brought me to America back then. Since I was Prince Charles' first born son. I was considered important as celebrities. And they say that because I was Prince Charles' son they Hollywood had made me played a role on the superman one movie to make history for me. I was the baby who act as the child who lifted the car above my head at the beginning of the movie. I played the small baby superman. I would like to ask Christopher Reeve if you have any knowledge of this. People say that I had met you before and I would like to ask you if you ever recalled meeting me. When I first came to USA as well as till now my relatives often asked me if I recognized myself in the movie which I lifted the car above my head. They said that was me and I am also Prince Charles' son. I would like to ask Christopher Reeve about this. Probably you know about this more than anybody else. You were the guy who knew me personally when I was a kid. Also because of this my cousins often faked my identity in order to claim themselves that they are Prince Charles lost son instead of me. I would like to ask you if you ever know a guy who offered to play the superman kid. I was not sure I played the part or not because I was very young back then. Maybe the Hollywood had mistakenly filmed my cousin Tho Nguyen instead of me. They said either one of us is the kid who played superman kid. I remember you had declared something like the kid in the movie was Prince Charles lost son. So maybe my cousin who played and took my identity because the Hollywood officials was mistaken back then. Because of this my cousin also had plot to kill me in order to take my identity to he could claim that he is Prince Charles' son. I am very positive that I am Prince Charles son because many people such as my relatives, friends in Vietnam as well as US, teachers and professors they all said that to me. However I was innocent back then and I never believe a thing they say. So I would like to ask Christopher Reeve to look into this matter and write back to me. I am waiting for your response. Please respond to me. Thank you. Henry PhamBy the way I believe Prince Charles had a lost son and he named the child Jason and this guy could be me. Please help me
Name: Todd smearer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada, New Brunswick
Time: 1999-02-24 02:44:52
I would like to know if Christopher Reeves is in the process of trying a new cure. Someone told me they seen him on TV and he said if you don't see him on TV or his web site that he's trying a new cure. I would like to know if he is trying a cure right now.
Name: Dolores Heffron
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Virgina
Time: 1999-02-19 16:33:53
I have a brother who is quadraplegic for 12 years. He was hitby the weight of the elevator while working an elevator shift.Someone moved the elevator. I am interested in whatever kindsof material I can get on quadraplegic. My brother (Don) is agreat fan of Chris Reeve. I plan on attending a conference onMarch 18th in Richmond, VA. Chris is one of the speakers, Iwould love to have the opportunity to meet him in person.Well, I haven't used these tools before, so I hope I don't soundtoo corny. But my prayers are with Chris and his family. Iknowwhat it takes to keep a family together after experiencinga tradgy like their family has experienced.Blessings,Dee
Name: Dennis Kam
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Richardson,TX
Time: 1999-02-17 10:19:12
could you get me an intervew with him please!!I really need it. Thanks
Name: 4:20
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1999-02-17 05:58:57
Name: Todd smearer
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1999-02-17 02:50:30
hi I'm a C-5 quadraplegic, and would like to thank Christopher Reeves for his devotion in finding a cure
Name: Todd Smith
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada New Brunswick
Time: 1999-02-16 06:06:05
I am a c-5 incomplete break since August 97. I would like to get more information on the possible cures their trying and the experiments their doing. I would also like to say it's pretty bad it takes someone like Christopher Reeves to become paralyzed before they really started looking for a cure, if it wasn't for him they probably wouldn't be this close to finding a cure.
Name: Kenneth T. Heelas
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1999-02-15 12:35:04
Hello all I am a 26 year old that was injured in an auto accident 10/10/98,as a result of the accident I am now paralyzed from the waste down c6,c7.I will walk again one day with the help from GOD and the strength of my own mind THANK YOU MR.REEVES for your wonderful book and this fantastic homepage, I will return.
Name: David Chaplin
Website: shockrave page- games
Referred by: Alta Vista
From: South Africa
Time: 1999-02-09 02:47:39
I am searching for more info on the courageous man Christopher Reeve and any info to my adrress would be much appreciated.
I'm only 12 years old and am in std. 5
Name: Frederick George Littleton II.
Website: All of them
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Axtell,Tx
Time: 1999-01-29 12:29:00
I for got to tell you someting my grilfried give me a (kiss a very good kiss too) .We were whiching the move you were
in called ''Children of the dammed'' whin the kid's did the thing with the eye's the got very scared and jumpet will
''Mr.Reeve I know you that you know what I got''. And it was very good I have all your move so whin she comes over
She will get scare again ha ha!!!!!
Your Friend Forever
Frederick George Littleton II.
P.S. You can call me ''TEX'' all my friend's do.
Name: Frederick George Littleton II.
Website: All of them
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Axtell,Texas R1 Box 109K 76624
Time: 1999-01-29 12:08:37
Dear.Mr Reeve
You have changed my life you being a vary good person
all my life I with to be like you I like what you stand for all the great thing's you do. You are my Herol.
Your friend forever
Frederick ''Tex''Littleton II.
Name: Tome Stojcev
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Macedonia
Time: 1999-01-26 19:38:19
I want some information on spinal cord injury.
Name: Trevor Wiese
Website: Alamak Chat
Referred by: Lycos
From: Alberta Canada
Time: 1999-01-23 02:39:17
Christopher Reeve is the one true superman He is my idol and why is he my idol you may ask!? After his 1995 accident with the horse he says and I quote "One day I will walk away from this chair" He never gives up til this day he believes he will walk again
Name: tigger
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: PA
Time: 1999-01-11 06:12:38
I am acertified nurse's aide &certified personal care attendantt speciializing in spinall cord injuries
Name: Bryan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NJ
Time: 1999-01-10 23:05:58
You often have dates that the page was updated but i havenever seen anything new or updated at this web site. Am i missing something?
Name: jih byeong cheol
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: korea
Time: 1999-01-03 19:18:17
happy new year...
Good luck on your shoulder.
i'm SCI,C5, from korea.
LET'S try recover from our life...
have a good time always.
Name: Dorothy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Detroit, Michigan
Time: 1998-12-18 11:54:34
I really like to watch the movie. I seem to get a little more
out of it each time I see it. I love the song and end my
using my computer with it.
Name: Mitsuhiko Kagawa
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-12-16 11:09:22
hello.I am doing the staff of Whellchair Basketball of Japan.A Japanese version of STILL ME was put on the market.I think the thing which a lot of people surely read.
Name: Sheila
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-12-12 15:03:41
I love this website!!!!
Name: jacquelyn Storer
Website: don't have one yet
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Spokane Washington
Time: 1998-12-04 14:13:28
After Reading the book Still Me I was very inspired to see how much Christopher read could go on. I love to be able to send him a letter or email him myself to tell him just what I think of his page
If you know any info please connect me
Jackie Storer
Name: Marvin Lisan
Website: monica
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: In the Phillipines
Time: 1998-12-04 07:14:37
Hi, People
I'm gay but I don't mine it because it's okay to be gay there is nothing wrong I may be 14 but its okay because it's normal you are on e of my favorite idol's because you donate to people who need money.................
Name: Daniel Guthery
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Greensboro
Time: 1998-12-03 23:48:38
Please, if any one knows how to get in touch with ChristopherReeves, please tell me. I know a 17 year old child who isin the same situation that Mr. Reeves is in. It would make his day to see any sort of acknowledgement from him.
Name: Mark Powers
Website: Product Brainstorm
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-12-01 22:45:38
Hi there. We want wheelchair manufacturers to improve wheelchairs. Please visit oursite to tell answer our Question of the Month for December,"What do you think of your wheelchair?"Responses will be compiled and posted on the site and willbe sent to chair manufacturers.
Name: Colleen Moomey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Muscatine, IA
Time: 1998-11-27 09:13:12
I've been afan of Christopher Reeve's for a long time now and I always will be. He has made a remarkable comeback since 1995. I just loved him in the remake of "Rear Window".
Name: Linda King
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Westmont, IL
Time: 1998-11-24 14:53:39
I have been a fan of Christopher Reeve ever since I fell in love with "Richard Collier" in "Somewhere in Time". And that was before I knew anything at all about this remarkable person! Since his tragic accident in 1995, Chris has shown the world what a real Super Man he really is! I watched his superb performance in "Rear Window" the other night (which will, no doubt, earn him an Emmy!), and I was particularly struck by the realization that his condition as portrayed in the movie was not so much acting as his REAL LIFE. When the set would close down after a day of shooting, and the crew went home, Chris didn't get up out of that wheelchair . . . that is his REAL LIFE! Through all the personal hell that this remarkable man must have gone through these past few years, he has emerged triumphantly, setting a magnificent example for others to follow today. What a wonder example of what doors can open when the Lord closes another. Bravo, Christopher Reeve! He has earned the respect and love of every one of us who has shared this whole experience with him! May God continue to bless Christopher Reeve, and may his efforts on behalf of others similarly disabled flourish in the name of the Lord.
Name: Cheryl Bellamy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ashland,Oh.
Time: 1998-11-24 03:32:23
Hi I will write later.
Name: starflower
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: phoenix, az
Time: 1998-11-22 09:06:51
I just came home from the hospital . Where I was visitingwith my husband. He is also a quadriplegic in fact, He brokehis neck in an auto-acident. His accident occured two monthesprior to christopher's accident. When the media became awareof Christophers' accident, my husband was contacted by themedia for an interview. They interviewed him and wanted to know what it was like to be in a situation as christoper.
Name: Denis Ardine
Referred by: Other Search Engine
From: Las Vegas Nevada
Time: 1998-11-13 19:26:26
I am the founder of Renewed Hope The Nevada Spinal cord And Chronic pan support group. inc.A non-profit groupI am also a sci victim , and look to speak to others likemyself I spend a lot of time helping new victims and families pick up the peices after the accident. My wife and kids also are a large part of this group we teach self advocacy and caregiver support I know of the pain and devastion that it creatates and what it feel like to wake up in a hospital and be tolg that life as you know it is no more and that you must "learn to live with it" boy do I hate that expression I have had five back surgerys and none were sucessfull so after all I went thru I formed renewed hope from words from mr reeve likewe must find a sense of renewed hope.so my son said dad what a great name.We help the indigent and quads that are in the convelesent homes So please feel free to contact me ,
Name: Christina
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NY
Time: 1998-11-10 14:07:09
Anybody with any info regardinh braininjury and fundraisingplease e-mail me at braininjury_ep@yahoo.com
Name: ebs
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-11-10 03:57:31
after reading chris reeve's book Still Me, I was inspired
to go to college and acheive my dreams. I can do it.
Name: ije
Website: christopher reeve
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: London,ENGLAND
Time: 1998-11-09 08:37:50
Great site.Iknow how hard it is to make a site and update and just congrate steve on a wonderful job
i am here evryday-u've got me hooked steve!!!
One thing how do I get into the chat forum my 14yr old brain has not yet mastered it
Do uknow if Rear Windoew wil be coming to Einglish television-If u are english
Name: Dave Fowler
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Houston, Tx.
Time: 1998-11-09 06:32:12
I am a C-4/5 of 15 years. I am also the Advocacy Director of a National Paralyzed Organization. I have also been to a lot of seminars, conventions, etc... I've been fortunate enough to hear many guest speakers. Personally, I think that we need people on all fronts of this war for a cure. From the radicals to the professional movers and shakers. I also think that we need our whiners. Well Reeves is our whiner!!!
Are we any less whole of a person if we're in a wheelchair?
NOT ME!!! I don't need a cure, my accident has only slowed me down a little!
Because of my POSITIVE ATTITUDE; I've gotten a job counseling new injuries, Advocacy Director of my State Chapter in my National Organization, married a wonderful woman, built an accessable house. Now I'm getting my real estate license to become a consultant on adaptive housing.
So Christopher Reeves, DON'T CRY FOR ME!!!
Name: Arnie Fonseca
Website: omentum ttansposition
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: phoenix arizona
Time: 1998-11-06 22:53:40
Thought you might be interested in the above web site. It has some recent research concerning spinal cord injuries. I believe those who visit your site would also find it thought provoking!
Name: Mary. R
Website: ?
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NY
Time: 1998-11-06 01:06:45
No comment's atthis time
Name: Lola ruth melton
Website: actors and entertainment
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: denton texas
Time: 1998-10-29 06:35:15
Hello chris how are you doing I hope your looking for ward to the holidays I read your article in life magazine I know it's sad you may never hold your little boy ever but think of it as this your showing him what a true man is a man who can be strong amongst all odds and adversities you'r strength is a good role modle for anyone you are my role modle I'm not paralyzed but I have certain characteristics that make me an object to peer torture I'm 15 and fat I get made fun of for it it hurts the way people juge the way people look I was born with crooked hips so when I walk I look like a penguin I have dreams of being an actress someday I don't think a studio would hire me but I don't think about what I can't do only what I can thanks to you just being a voice for people who are different and I saw you on Oprah you said what you used to tell people the definition of a hero a hero is who you think a hero is but both your definition is. and I think it's nice how your accident made you been not too quick to juge poeple.you can consider it sor of a blessing and a curse you may not be in a positom to look into a persons eyes but your now in a position to look into a persons heart......and maybe if you think about it god was on your side because he opend your eyes to a life that most people ignore so if you think about it your a missonare
Name: Kee Pei Wei
Website: Christopher Reeve Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Johor ,Malaysia
Time: 1998-10-26 17:00:05
I'm so fond of his courage to live,improve himself,and to help other people who are also paralysed.He has been a great inspiration for me to strive harder and get good results in my examination.I wish him all the best in his future undertakings.
Name: Ashley
Website: The Gap-clothing company
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Canada
Time: 1998-10-21 14:07:02
I just did a biography on Christopher Reeve and I became interested so I wantedto surf the Net. Lots of info.!Thanks!
Name: Jay D. Enloe
Website: HemiMan Web Page
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Beloit, WI
Time: 1998-10-19 14:28:58
I just saw Chris while he was in Rockford, IL at the Barbara OlsonSchool of Hope benefit. He was very inspirational and I really enjoyedhis keynote. Jay D. Enloe aka The HemiMan
Name: Ramir Sarmiento
Website: Superman
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Winnipeg,Manitoba
Time: 1998-10-15 02:03:29
I think Christopher Reeves is a fantastic person. I'am only 14 and when I was small I enjoy watching his movies and I still do wathch them. Christopher Reeves what your doing right now (fundrasing) is gret. One day I hope to meet you in person. You will lways be my true Superman.
Name: Ashley Hauser
Website: Christopher Reeves
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Temecula Ca
Time: 1998-10-14 12:41:47
I think that you are a very couragous man. And have done alot to help the society.
Name: patrick blair stevenson
Website: christopher ree ves foundation
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: brooksville florida
Time: 1998-10-13 06:17:23
I BELEIVE that you have to be one of the greatest persons on the planet today because of your strenght to go on even though you,ve had teriable set backs but your still conquering them. I just got hurt about 1.6 years ago I know what your going thoughi,m c6c7 quad now my wife of 15 years left me and my kids are very disrespectful towards me.
Name: Shorna Das
Website: CHRIS
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Calcutta, India
Time: 1998-10-11 01:33:19
I am 25 years & an Animation film maker. I fell in love with Chris when I was 13, after I saw Superman I. I love Christopher Reeve very much, have always loved him and will forever love him.
Name: Laureen Dill
Referred by: Ad/Brochure/Magazine/Book
From: Farmville, North Carolina
Time: 1998-10-07 12:04:27
I have MS and just wanted to chat with other people to share information
Name: Judy Kavitsky
Website: Judy's Place
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: USA
Time: 1998-10-06 14:19:34
Nice page. I love the pictures.
Name: Jennifer Hennequin
Website: Disney
Referred by: Microsoft Internet Explorer
From: Auburn, ME
Time: 1998-09-27 04:47:05
I think he is still and ever shall be Superman in my eyes. If he could fly, he would sweep his wife off her feet and fly chair and all through the clouds. We must find a cure and we must help those who simply need a bit more than they have. I will always have a crush on him. His heart is as golden as his smile.
-Jenn Hennequin
Name: Kathy Stone-Kojis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wisconsin
Time: 1998-09-23 11:18:31
Hi, My name is Kathy Stone and I have spastic cerebral palsy. I welcome you to view our newly built Web Page! The address is, http://www.execpc.com/~tkojis/ Read about my life story which will promote good self-worth in others like myself. The book is entitled, "THE UNSINKABLE STONE." This exciting, fun-filled story shows the possitive side of being in a wheelchair and can be order through my Web Page. My husband also sells power lifts, shelves, and power windows. If you would like to have more information on these fine products, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Kathy Stone-Kojis
Name: Cathy
Website: TogetherForever_2's
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Manchester
Time: 1998-09-16 13:28:20
Hi,, My brother Dan was in a diving accident on 7/3/98. He is now paralyzed from the waist down & has no finger movement. He shattered C-5& fractued C-6. We are looking for answers to alot of ??'s. So I wanted to say "THANKS" for a great page.
Name: C.S.
Website: Christopher Reeves Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Missouri
Time: 1998-09-15 08:33:41
I have been assigned a chapel reading where i write a paper about something that inspires me. I chose Christopher Reeve. I attend Mary Institute and St. Louis Contry Day School and am currently in the 8th gade. I have had great support and my teachers say that no one has ever done this topic before. Christopher Reeve is an inspiration to many people, especially me. This is the most interesting project I have ever done. He has taught me to look at life in a totally different way.
Name: linda
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: bayside new york
Time: 1998-09-09 15:50:53
Name: nevin Garrett
Referred by: Alta Vista
From: Pennsylvania, USA
Time: 1998-09-08 05:15:12
I am a T-2 Para 5 years post-injury. I applaud Chris's ability to be so optimistic when the future looks so bleak. I work and function as best as I can under the circumstances. I wish everyone involved with research would take a few more chances. Where is fetal-tissue transplantation going?
Name: Elizabeth Bimson
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Va. Beach, VA>
Time: 1998-09-07 02:07:22
I am an occupational therapy student and I would like to comment on Christopher Reeve's rehabilitation. It seems to me that all of his therapy has been centered around physical therapy. I am sure that occupational therapy has played a huge role in his recovery, yet I have hardly heard it mentioned in public appearences, news stories, etc. Occupational therapy looks at the occupations that are important and meaningful to the individual, and turn them into functional goals. I saw Christopher Reeve on "Public Eye" with Bryant Gumbel on September 3, 1998. The story was about a swimmer who had a C5 and 6 spinal cord injury. The OT was obviously helping the man to perform in several activities of daily living, ie., eating, grroming, self-care, etc. Yet, physical therapy was recognized. Later, Christopher Reeve appeared and stated how much physical therapy has helped him. I would just like to get the word out about the importance of occupational therapy IN ADDITION TO physical therapy. I think we deserve some recognition too. Thank you, Elizabeth Bimson660 Pemberton Dr. #8Winchester, VA 22601
Name: Mindie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-09-02 03:34:03
I really like your website
15 Ma
Name: Lori
Referred by: Microsoft Internet Explorer
From: Melbourne Australia
Time: 1998-08-29 10:56:17
I have found this web site really informative. Christopher Reeves has certainly been an inspiration to thousands of people. I am a nurse and his courage and ability to talk about his injury have made spinal damage nursing as well as orthopaedic so much easier. People will open up and discuss there pains, feelings etc if you can just chat and bring up Chris's name Thank You
Name: Minna Talviharju
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mass
Time: 1998-08-27 09:05:43
Hi: I'm handicaped. I have qued cerble pasly. I also have a compaion dog she come to the mall. And Christopher influed me but I'm doing lot's of thing like walking. I just want to say to Christopher Thank's a whole lot. I'm 15 years old Sincerly Minna Talviharju
Name: tim moore
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: midland texas
Time: 1998-08-26 07:22:09
ax/2/38the lord has something for you its goodit will come to pass good luck the lord will hell you
Name: noel s. pefley
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: indiana
Time: 1998-08-25 06:21:11
very nice and interestind page
will keep checking on it from time to time
Name: Rachael
Website: Chrishopher Reeve Hompage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: USA all the way!!!
Time: 1998-08-23 11:27:51
This is the perfect site. I really needed it to do some researchon a project. Thanks for making it.
Buh bye!
Name: Terry L. Steffen
Website: PC World Online
Referred by: Netscape Net Search
From: Fostoria, Ohio
Time: 1998-08-21 09:51:20
Favorite film: "Somewhere In Time"
Name: Sharon Sellers
Website: Home and Family
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Alabama
Time: 1998-08-13 15:30:41
My husband 37 years old, was in a race car accident May 10, 1997and is an incomplete parapalegic.
Name: Dottie Ann Rohrbacher
Website: EarthAngel's Lil Bit OF Heaven On Earth!
Referred by: Superman Homepage
From: Bellingham, Washington
Time: 1998-08-10 21:21:55
great site, thank you for the information to help in researchwith help from everyone! We could make it so people can get outof the chairs and walk! THAT IS EXCITING! My husband is a Quadrapalygic with limited use of his right armand he has multiple sclerosis. he has had it 31 years we have been married 36 and raised 3 beautiful well adjusted children,all grown with their own families:) My husband is MY HERO..and I love him deeply..I encourage everyoneto try to send something for research. please visit my website..and sign my book. THANKS and GOD bless you Steve..and God Bless the Reeve family,andmeet all their needs!KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
Name: Dawn Jones (Dj in the UK)
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: England
Time: 1998-08-10 09:23:33
I'd just like to say that I'm glad to have found this page, I'd love to get in contact with other Reeve fans.
I guess I became a fan because of the Superman movies, he *made* those movies for me.
It seems that Chris does not want to be labled as a "hero" or a "saint". But to me he is, you couldn't ask for a better role model, he's my hero whether he likes it or not - not because of survivng and coping with paralyis (spelling?) but because he is him, I don't know what it is, if I knew I'd tell you.
Are there are any young Reeve fans out there - I'm only 17, i get the impression that most are older, or am I wrong?
Name: JoAnne
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Tucson,Az
Time: 1998-08-07 06:59:31
I wanted to simply say thank you very much for doing this site,I have been looking for info on HOPE foundation to send a donation and this site has provided me with that.I have a cousin in New Jersey that has had dozens of operations by Mr Reeve's Doctors. So I feel it's time to help.Now you made it possible for me to do that,Thank you again.JoAnne Mika,Tucson Az.
Name: Jane Wareing
Website: still me page
Referred by: Alta Vista
From: Bristol,United Kingdom
Time: 1998-08-05 00:36:40
I am very interested in reading about Christopher Reeve as i have a very dear friend who is also paralysed.Chris is an inspiration to us all,and I sincerely hope he achieves his aim.
Name: Mefri lus Omedo.
Website: It's the first time I'm in the net.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: I am from mexico.
Time: 1998-08-03 14:33:50
I just want to say that you are a great person and actor. Some time wen I can't go to sleep I see one more time the movies you acted on.
Name: Jan Cooney
Referred by: Other Search Engine
From: Indianapolis, IN
Time: 1998-08-03 05:36:30
I haven't seen the message board yet, but am glad to see a CR site. I have been a CR fan since the first Superman movie and used to collect everything I could find on CR the actor. I still have boxes of stuff (news clippings, etc) up in the attic and most recently bought a copy of Still Me, both on audio cassette and print form. It's a great book, especially since he reads the book in the audio cassette version. Anyway, thanks for the site.
Name: Joann Hosking
Referred by: Ad/Brochure/Magazine/Book
From: Chico, Ca.
Time: 1998-07-31 04:44:43
My son had an motorcycle accident June 26, 1998 and is now at the Santa Clara Medical Hospital in San Jose. He is a complete t-9/10. This injury has altered not only his life but his wife, 3 children, family etc. I'm sure I'm not alone with my bewilderment and anxiety. We take his children to see him each week, it's a 4 hour trip so we spend the night and come home the following day. We are in the beginning stages of remodeling his home. There is no way he can get into his house let alone use bathroom, shower, kitchen facilities. His wife Sandy is staying with him as much as possible since he has other injuries besides the sci injury. I'm trying to hold the pieces together for the children since all of their lives have been extremely altered. My neighbor saw a pbx channel 9 program called,
"TOUGHEST BREAK - MARTIN'S STORY" a couple of nights ago when we were in San Jose. I've spent the last 4 hours trying to buy that video tape and have gotten no where. If anyone knows how I can buy that video, PLEASE let me know. Sincerely in Chico, Ca. Joann Hosking,
hosking@sunset.net: Sons name, Steve Masonek, also of Chico, Ca.
Name: ijeoma nwaneri
Website: christopher reeve
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: london
Time: 1998-07-31 01:30:17
great site I need to go soon as I am not supposed to be on here this guy says....ANYWAY...i have been on this site everyday at school and this trusts Keep up the great job Steve and I'll see you again I hope.Did you read my other message?
Name: ijeoma nwaneri
Website: christopher reeve
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: london
Time: 1998-07-31 01:30:13
great site I need to go soon as I am not supposed to be on here this guy says....ANYWAY...i have been on this site everyday at school and this trusts Keep up the great job Steve and I'll see you again I hope.Did you read my other message?
Name: Dunja
Website: Christopher Reeve´s Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Germany
Time: 1998-07-25 08:34:47
Dear Steven,
thank you so much for doing this job! I have been looking years for good information about Chris whom I adore since I first saw "Superman" and now even more. Please do not stop the work you are doing, the CR-Fans do appreciate it so much! Chris needs every support we can give him. Thank you once more!
Name: Marilyn Saffer
Website: Marilyn's Non-Violent Planet
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: California, USA
Time: 1998-07-22 14:53:56
Steven, thank you for creating this wonderful website on behalf of the fabulous human being known as Christopher Reeve. He deserves this website and so much MORE. You (and the people who assisted you) did a wonderful job on this site and I have added it to my own links page within my own website because it is my hope that many people will be able to benefit by it. :) Take care and thank you again...
Name: ijeoma nwaneri
Website: christopher reeve
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: st pancras ,london
Time: 1998-07-15 16:09:55
keep up the great work steve I finally found a site dedicated to this great guy.My friend and I salute you!!!
Name: Steven Younis
Website: Younis Graphics
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 1998-07-14 07:37:25
Welcome to the all new Christopher Reeve Homepage Guestbook. This Guestbook is here for visitors to this site to leave a message regarding what they think of this web site, anything new or interesting they've learnt about Chris Reeve. It is NOT a forum to leave message FOR Christopher Reeve!Looking forward to reading your messages. Regards, Steve Younis
Total: 183 entries

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