Exclusive Interview with Jo Addie
[Date: August 3, 2000]
 Chris with Jo Addie in New York, 11/93. Read her story, "A Long Awaited Reunion with Christopher Reeve" on the Somewhere in Time Website. |
Q: Can you please tell us a little about yourself and what you do?
Jo: My life completely changed after I worked on "Somewhere in Time" (SIT), twenty one years ago, though I had no idea at the time it would have such a powerful effect on me. As a reader of my Somewhere in Time experiences can tell, ("Barely in Time or Confessions of a SIT Extra", SIT Website) it has been an amazing journey -- even to me. Before SIT, I was in radio, and afterward, through the encouragement of cast and crew, I went in for a new 'career', that of an on-camera commercial actress, specializing in corporate training films, and after several years of collecting antiques, I became an antique dealer, specializing in vintage ladies' accoutrements. (It felt like I'd lived for three weeks in 1912!)
My husband and I produced five documentary videos, chronicling the phenomenal legacy of the film, and we have authored the extensive Somewhere in Time Website. Now I am also the Universal Studios licensee for the film, which has allowed me, for the first time ever, to produce a high quality line of official collectibles on the film. And I am currently the editor/president of the fan society for Somewhere in Time, INSITE, (the International Network of Somewhere In Time Enthusiasts). We publish an elegant 20 page quarterly journal on all aspects of the film, and its talented creators. It is the most elaborate 'fanzine' ever put out by a fan club. INSITE was founded in 1990 by Bill Shepard of Glendora, CA.
Q: What are you working on at the present time?
Jo: I am presently planning and promoting the incredible 20th Anniversary Celebrations for Somewhere in Time in 2000! We have already celebrated the anniversary in Chicago, and are soon to gather in Los Angeles on Saturday August 12th, for an incredible all-day event, that will boast the most celebrities ever assembled who worked on this cinematic treasure. People will come from great distances and dress in period attire to celebrate The Most Romantic Love Story Ever Filmed. The third and final event planned is the Somewhere in Time Weekend at Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, MI, the site of the filming... but unfortunately, that event is already sold out, so any fans who are interested in attending a celebration for SIT this year, should make plans to attend the LA affair. It'll be a day we'll never forget, I promise!
Q: Were you a fan of Superman or Christopher Reeve before "Somewhere in Time"?
Jo: Yes, I admit I was very impressed with Chris in Superman. I believe his performance, while praised, is still underrated, because it included two characters. I think he perfectly embodied Superman, and a Superman with wit and charm who didn't take himself too seriously, as well as creating a fine comic portrayal of Clark Kent, which had never been done at all before. That is why I was so anxious to be able to watch the filming of Somewhere in Time. When I met Chris and we became friends, even spending free time flying in his plane, I have to say I was quite thrilled. He was even more wonderful as a person than his acting ability could have suggested.
 Oddly enough, even though this particular angle did not actually appear in the film, this photo with Jo Addie (next to Christopher Plummer) was used frequently for publicity in foreign countries. It can be found in the Spanish lobby card set, Italian lobby card set, and Japanese program of the film! |
Q: What was your role in "Somewhere in Time"? How did you get the part?
Jo: I was an extra in all the 1912 scenes that include background people, except one. I wore five different costumes. When I wasn't working, I was on set watching. The amazing circumstances which led to my 'falling into' working on SIT are too complicated to answer here, but I invite people to read the story on our SIT Website. It's like a Cinderella story, and people tell me that they laugh and cry when they read it, but it all happened just that way.
Q: What was it like being on Mackinac Island, Michigan, during the filming of the movie?
Jo: It was like actually having travelled back in time. It's always a step back in history to be on Mackinac Island, because of the no-motorized vehicle policy... horse-and-carriage and bicycle are the only means of transport, but when you are wearing period clothing 15-16 hours a day, and you wake up to the clip-clop of horse hooves and you don't get into a car for several weeks, it really has a time-altering effect on you! Just wearing the clothes has an immediate effect. We would use our best manners and speak in our best English, even with English accents, for some silly reason... ladies would curtsy and gentlemen would kiss hands when introduced. It was quite a wonderful and fun experience, playing 'dress up' in that beautiful setting. For all ages and both genders. And most of all, to see the love, even devotion that was poured into every frame of the movie, with the spirit of comraderie on the set, everyone feeling we were making something special, well, it was extraordinary. That was my first film-making experience, and I've been on many sets since on other films, and there has never been anything close to compare with it. The whole island was abuzz with "the movie". "Hollywood coming to Michigan", that sort of excitement. Like no other experience I've ever had. It was a glorious 3 weeks, and getting to know Chris and Jane and Christopher Plummer was icing on the wonderful cake.
Q: While working on "Somewhere in Time", you had the privilege of meeting some of the film's stars and filmmakers, including Christopher Reeve. Can you tell us about the first time you met him in person? Were you starstruck?
Jo: I was of course, thrilled to meet Chris in person, and to see that he was as handsome in person as he is on-screen. But to see that he is warm and genuine, and truly friendly, not at all full of himself, that was the best part. In fact, he is so "out of himself", and so thoroughly focused on others and what he is interested in, that is what truly makes him so likeable. He is the most positive-thinking person I've ever met, in fact, you could say he gives off positive energy. Many people have seen it now, because of his injury, but he was always that way. It is a singular quality that he has, a child-like enthusiasm that is very appealing. If there is such a thing as "magnetism" I would say Chris has it in abundance.
 Left to right, Jo, Chris, Jane and Susan Anderson in front of Chris's plane on their day off. |
Q: Can you tell us about the plane ride Chris gave you? Are there other stories from the set of "Somewhere in Time" you would like to share?
Jo: We had Sundays off from filming, and Chris had flown his plane to the island, though the studio wasn't to know of it, because stars are not supposed to do risky things while filming/under contract. Another extra who lived on the mainland, invited Chris and Jane, Chris' costumer and myself, to fly to the mainland, to go water-skiing, because she had a boat and lived on a small lake. But the weather wasn't cooperative, it was a 55 degree day and cloudy, so we went bowling instead. We also stopped at a roadside fruit market and loaded up on fresh fruit. I'll never forget that Jane introduced me to black cherries, a Michigan specialty... it was a very fun and relaxing day. I still have the bowling score sheet. Chris won both games, he and I shared score-keeping duties for the five of us, we had pizza and a lot of laughs. We all got to have a turn in the co-pilot seat, because we did a few extra legs for the trip, even though our destination, Petoskey, is a five minute flight from Mackinac Island. We first flew to Traverse City and then switched 'co-pilots' and took off again to Petoskey. These were half hour flights. Chris didn't get to fly very often because of his busy schedule, and pilots have to log so many flights each six months to keep their license current, so he took that opportunity to log some. During the leg when Jane and I were in the back of the plane, we had a wonderful personal one-on-one talk I'll never forget. On the short flight back, I got to be in the co-pilot seat. It was such a thrill. Much of the time we were in the clouds and he was flying by instrument, something Chris said he preferred, because of the challenge and joy of dropping out of the clouds and having the runway right where you think it should be. But it was like being in a glass of milk to me, and somewhat scary -- knowing you're flying but not being able to see. The landing, with the runway looming closer and closer right in front of you, was quite exciting! That was the 3rd of July. I couldn't tell anyone the next day, the 4th, when people asked me how I spent our day off, because it was a secret! I had to respond, "Oh, nothing!". I have pictures to remind me of the day.
There were many memorable moments, but I truly loved watching the filming of Richard and Elise's first kiss. I think it is the most romantic kiss ever filmed. There were only two takes. I thought the first was awesome, but then the director came up and spoke quietly to the stars, and the second take was true perfection.
Another day, some college guys who shared the rent of a small house nearby where all of the crew were housed during filming, were out grilling some chicken for dinner. They noticed a familiar and famous face standing at the fence. It was Chris, looking hungry who said, "Smells good!". They invited him to join them for the meal, after which Chris offered to do the dishes.
 Chris with Jo Addie the night the Theatre Scene was filmed, 1979. |
Q: What was your reaction when you saw "Somewhere in Time" on the big screen in 1980?
Jo: I had worried that when I would see the film, I might still see the camera, the crane, the lights, the crew standing around, and not be able to fully immerse myself in the story, but I had nothing to fear. The story captivated me and swept me into its magical spell, and though I was at the cast and crew screening and wanted to socialize afterward, I was unable to refrain from spilling many tears -- my eyes were swollen after it was over. It was as if a miracle had occurred. The pieces I'd seen being filmed or been part of, were all assembled and cut to perfection, with the ultimate music score added to punctuate and enhance its beauty. How proud we were to have made such a beautiful love story.
Q: Have you worked on other films besides "Somewhere in Time"? If so, what part(s) did you have and what scenes were you in?
Jo: I have worked on "The Blues Brothers", where I did a lot of driving in the chase scenes -- using my own car! And dancing in the big street at the end, where everyone does the twist. We filmed that in 45°F weather, and it was supposed to look like summer, we all froze. I worked on the series "Chicago Story" as an extra, dressed as a nurse. I also worked as an extra in "Continental Divide", Belushi's best film, and met John one night. It was a nice experience filming, because John was truly proving himself on that film, showing he could do more than belch and make noises. That film truly showed his talent as a comedic actor and he played a pretty fine leading man too - a great script with which he could show his skills. He had a personal trainer and had lost 30 pounds and was off drugs. Of course, not long after that film was released, he was dead of an overdose. Then I got away from extra work, because it wasn't so much fun. Security was tighter in the city (Chicago) and thus, no one but the essential crew was to be on set at any time, even on the street. They began sequestering extras into a bus, or in a building somewhere, far from the action, where we couldn't watch, and that was so much a part of the interest for me. (The pay is poor, so watching is much of the fun). But I made an exception nine years later again, when Harrison Ford came to town to do "The Fugitive". He is one of my favorites, too, and I got to meet him and talk with him the night we were dressed in formal wear, during the banquet scene.
Q: The cast and crew of "Somewhere in Time" seem like a close knit group. Over the years, how have you maintained contact with them and how often?
Jo: I maintain contact with them via mail and some by phone, and of course, with reference to putting the quarterly INSITE journal together, as well as seeing them on trips and at the SIT Events.
 Christopher Reeve, photo by Jo Addie, taken the day they went flying together in Chris's plane. Read about this in Jo's story, "Barely In Time" (SIT Website). Chris also featured the photo in "Rear Window". |
Q: There is a very special picture you took of Christopher Reeve leaning over the railing smiling, with his left hand on his chin. Can you tell us the significance of this picture?
Jo: The photo you describe was taken the day we went flying together, when we were talking on the deck of our host in Petoskey. It's a special moment to me, and I snapped the shot. When I saw Chris in '93, in New York, I brought the 8 by 10 photo, and asked him to sign it for me. When he looked at it, he commented that it was a very nice shot of him. Then he signed it and we continued talking but he kept holding it. Once in a while he would glance down at it again. I started to wonder if I was going to get it back! Finally, after several minutes, he took a long look at it again, and said, "This is a really good candid photo of me", to which I replied, "Well, if you like it that much, I'll have one made for you", and I did. Recently, when Chris made "Rear Window", I was really surprised to see that he used it full frame close-up, twice, in the scene where Daryl Hannah's character has come in for the second time. She offers to get him a drink of water and he tells her where and how to get it. As she goes to the cabinet, the scene is really about the photo, because it's on the credenza and they zoom in on it, so she can see what he was like before the accident. She looks at it, looks at the back of Chris' chair and then back at the photo. Of all the wonderful pictures taken of Chris over the years, I cannot imagine why he used that particular one, but I was honored.
Q: Can you tell us a humorous story about Chris?
When we were shooting at the Grand, we were served the awesome Grand food, so the contrast was too great when we filmed at the production facility at the Inns of Mackinac, where we had to endure food we couldn't identify. And what was on the buffet one day that no one would touch, would still be there the second day! I was in line one day at the Inns' food buffet near Chris, and he just stopped and stared at the food, not moving. One of the crew said, "Chris, what is it?" Chris just said, "I can name that food in five bites", and we dared him to "Name that Food".
There were many "Chris stories" circulating around the island. One day, Chris was riding around on his bike and came upon two girls playing frisbee in an open park. He asked if he could join them, and of course, they were thrilled to have him play. Afterward, they asked him to sign the frisbee, which he did, but then they were bickering over who would get the frisbee. Chris diplomatically broke the frisbee in two and signed the other half for the girls!
Q: Can you tell us a serious story about Chris?
Jo: I like to tell a story about a moment in our SIT Event Video #3, "Christopher Reeve Returns to Mackinac", which is the extraordinary visit we had when Chris joined the fans at the SIT Weekend in '94, seven months before his injury. Chris had worked all night the night before flying in, and had asked that he not have to take a flight before noon, so he could get a few hours' rest. Then he flew all day and arrived at the island at 8pm, was served dinner in his room with Dana, and then came on stage at 9pm. He answered questions for over an hour and a half, then met fans for photos for another hour. The next morning, he signed autographs for 2 hours, after which we took him down to the lakeshore to show him the plaque we installed at the "Is It You?" scene site the year before. We held an impromptu group interview with him there, before going back to the hotel for my private interview with him. But on the way back, we had to include the moment when a man turned to Chris to shake his hand, and Chris said to him, "You were dressed as Robinson last night". Can you imagine that after all that, Chris could remember the next day, what someone was wearing the night before? It was such a "Chris moment". He is so focused on other people, he is truly an exceptional person.
 Jo Addie interviews Chris at '94 SIT Weekend, Grand Hotel. (See this interview on "Chirstopher Reeve Returns to Mackinac", available from The Somewhere in Time Gallery) |
Q: Can you tell us about your 1994 interview with Chris when he returned with Dana to Mackinac Island for the first time since making the movie (how you arranged the interview, the setting for it, etc.)?
Jo: I'm particularly proud of the interview, because Chris made special time for it. It was a very intimate and personal interview, in which he talks extensively about his feelings on acting. The setting was the Grand Hotel Parlor, and I remember being so riveted by his candor and answers that I almost missed being ready to ask the next question.
Q: On April 15, 1997, the International Network of "Somewhere in Time" Enthusiasts (INSITE) obtained a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Christopher Reeve. You and your husband Jim attended the event and recorded it. Can you describe that special day?
Jo: We had begun the Star project for Chris before he was injured, so it was a very long-awaited and much-anticipated day for all of us, just over two years. We had two chosen speakers, Jane Seymour and Glenn Close. It was one of the largest crowds ever for a Star Ceremony, and they even had to block off a section of Hollywood Blvd. Jim was in the press 'pyramid' with the best spot because he was the official photographer for INSITE, which sponsored the star. Jane's speech was so moving and from her heart, she had no notes and was actually trembling, and I've never seen Jane tremble, before or since. You can see it on our video, I cry every time I see it. Glenn was well prepared and eloquent. Chris' acceptance speech was very memorable, in part, "one day I will take my family by the hand, and stand here on the Hollywood WALK of Fame." Afterwards, we all went to the Cheers Bar Set we'd rented, in the Hollywood Entertainment Museum, in front of which Chris' star is installed, (a prestigious location), for an afterglow reception, which was terrific. People can "experience" this fine day by viewing our video, "A Star For Christopher Reeve".
Q: You and Jim maintain the official "Somewhere in Time" Homepage (which also provides information about joining INSITE). What does the site have to offer? Are there any future projects planned just for the homepage?
Jo: Besides many articles that are well worth reading, many of them specifically about Chris, there are several Photo Galleries, Event Coverage, a Trivia Challenge Game, and the online store of collectibles. We have a News section everyone should visit regularly, because we continually update the latest on appearances/events, showings of SIT and other movies Chris and Jane have done. While the website is extensive, it is really intended to whet your appetite to join INSITE where we provide so much more intimate information and stories, and we invite all fans to share in the fun we've been having! It's only US$19.12 to be a member, and receive our elegant quarterly journals. In addition, for 2000, all members receive a beautiful full color 8 by 10 photo of the stars as a commemorative gift.
At this point in time, we are totally concentrating on the celebration of Somewhere in Time's 20th Anniversary during 2000. We have two events to go, Los Angeles on August 12th, and then the Somewhere in Time Weekend in October, which is already sold out. Much planning goes into each of these events, and in between, we publish the elegant quarterly journals, which are 20 pages each! We pride ourselves on the fact that we publish the most elaborate fanzine ever put out by a fan club. While our website is extensive, it is really intended to whet your appetite to join INSITE and share in all we have to offer. So you will find new things on our website, especially News, but remember, our primary obligation is to provide INSITE members with a beautiful journal on Somewhere in Time, truly each issue is a collector's item. Chris has told me twice, without asking, that he reads each issue, "cover to cover". That should tell you something about the quality and scope of our magazine. I encourage everyone who is a SIT fan to join INSITE. This is the primary way the fans are kept informed, their appreciation for the film keeps growing deeper, and the romantic juices flowing in their hearts are renewed all year long!
Q: In 1999, you became the new editor of INSITE, replacing founder Bill Shepard. What are your goals and ambitions for INSITE?
Jo: I embrace the three goals of INSITE that Bill set forth: to Inform people of all aspects of this cinematic treasure... to Honor the film and its talented creators and to garner for the film the recognition it truly deserves... and to Influence the way the movie is perceived, hopefully to encourage more films of this genre to be made, proving there is a viable market for them. My greatest desire is that all fans of the movie, all who still think they are the "only one" who loves the movie, to learn about INSITE and become part of our network, helping to spread the word (as well as have fun). SIT fans are a special bunch, they cannot be defined by true demographics. In all parts of the world, this movie has attracted the romantic hearted, those with old-fashioned values, who believe in true love and commitment, who appreciate beauty and sometimes feel displaced in our chaotic, violent world, and wish for a better one. They are of all ethnic backgrounds, all cultures and all ages. Fully 50% of the fans are men. Since they are of this special type, it is a privilege to publish a journal for them, and even create events so they can get together and meet one another. I want to fully celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the film this year. Our festivities are ambitious, but how many films get a 20th? "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", "Superman", none of these enormous hits ever had a 20th Anniversary, but our 'little' movie is getting that honor. Beyond this, we'll just have to see....
 One of several scenes in which Jo Addie is visible. She's between the two men in tuxedos. |
Q: You and Jim were able to obtain a restored print of "Somewhere in Time" from Universal. Can you compare the restored print to the original? Have any of the cast or crew seen this print? If they have, what did they think of it? Will Universal rerelease this restored print at some point on widescreen home video?
Jo: Certainly Universal has taken note of our INSITE activities, and also having the collectibles line has helped, when I approached them to ask for a new print of the film. The reason behind the request is, films of the '50's through the '80's are suffering from what is known as "magenta menace". They are all turning redder and redder because of the deteriorating film stock they were printed on. My husband and I own what is thought to be the best original print, and show it at our events. It has hardly any flaws, very little dirt or scratches, but it is fading and will eventually become unwatchable. So I went on a personal campaign with Universal to see if we could get their cooperation. They not only made us a new print, but it was an "answer" print, a far more expensive, "perfect" print. This is made by taking the original negative from the vault, striking a quick print and then analyzing it scene for scene, and shot for shot, making notes on what it needs, due to age and color shift... more or less contrast, more blue, less green, etc. Then all that data is used to create a perfect print. It is glorious to see! The faces are so rich with various skin tones, many who have seen it projected have remarked that faces look 3 dimensional. The blacks are so black, (the first color to fade in old prints), and it is truly breathtaking. When we showed it the first time at the SIT Weekend in October, the cinematographer and editor were present. The new print was a surprise announcement before the showing, and both had intended to stay for a short while and then leave, expecting the old print. They couldn't take their eyes off it. Editor Jeff Gourson stood through almost three-quarters of it, until I finally made him sit down, he didn't even notice he was standing. Isidore Mankofsky (Director of Photography) was so impressed with it, he said, "I've never seen such a beautiful print of the movie. Now I remember why I love this film so much." He was still smiling the next day. Since most fans have never seen the film on a big screen -- only on their TVs, this is an exceptional treat, and not to be missed. This print is being shown at all our 'festival showings' this year.
There are some exciting things in the works, however, I'm not able to talk about them at this point, but keep close watch on the SIT Website, News Section, because this will be the means of releasing the latest information.
Q: Could you put to rest the rumors that Universal is making a sequel to "Somewhere in Time"? Will there be one? If so, what will the story be about? Who, other than Christopher Reeve, would you like to see play Richard Collier?
Jo: I have heard that Universal is working on a sequel to the film, however, no other information has been forthcoming. I personally do not favor a sequel to the movie, agreeing with producer Stephen Simon and writer Richard Matheson that SIT stands alone. I do not think it has any holes to fill. All fine films leave you wanting more, so it is understandable that we who love it feel like we'd like more, but since both Richard and Elise are dead at the end and together, Somewhere in Time -- where can you go? I cannot imagine anyone filling the roles so perfectly cast with Chris and Jane. Like the sequel to "Gone With The Wind", a sequel would have such an uphill battle ahead of it, being compared to the original and not being able to be judged on its own merits... can you imagine creating a sequel to Casablanca?
 The "Somewhere in Time" Coffee Mug and Magnet. |
Q: When "Somewhere in Time" was originally released, there was no memorabilia to go with it. Now there is everything from mugs to magnets to T-shirts and postcards available. You went to a lot of trouble licensing this merchandise for fans to buy through the "Somewhere in Time" Gallery on your homepage. Why did you do this? Can you tell us about the arduous process to license these new items from initial ideas to selling them?
Jo: I've just finished writing the Somewhere in Time Gallery Story, explaining this enormous project in detail, and which is being published in the upcoming INSITE second quarter issue. But to sum it up , there were literally thousands of steps in this process. It took a year and a half of work to get the line launched. Great effort was expended to find manufacturers who would produce the quality I required. I'm very protective of the film and its stars, and I wouldn't have done this if I couldn't do it right and truly reflect the film's beauty with the collectibles. One of my primary goals was to do something for Chris. When he joined us in '94 at Mackinac, we had private time together and Chris told me he had never received a single dime of royalties for SIT, on either sales of videos or rentals, which have been very substantial for Universal all these years. It was because SIT was just before home video was an issue and his contract did not include it. I thought it was a shame that Chris had not shared in the success of the film in video, which is a viable source of income for actors today. This fact stung even more after Chris was injured. When I found out how licensing worked, I decided to pursue it so that in addition to pleasing the fans, we could, at least in principle, remedy the situation. My idea from the start was to have stars' images on the items, not knowing how rare that is. "Stars never say yes, and you're on your own with this, good luck," the licensing people had told me. Due to my longtime association with the stars and my record of promoting the film, I was able to get their okay. Every item needed multiple steps of approval. We have over 16 items in our line. Chris (and Jane) receive royalties on all items on which their image appears, and Chris donates all his royalties to spinal cord research, as you might expect, and so the money is going to a good cause. The items on which Chris appears alone, the handsome color mug and framed photo magnet, garner him a higher percentage of royalties. When the stars are pictured together, they split the percentage. Universal also receives royalties, and your purchase is telling them how much you love the film and perhaps they will make more of this type of movie. Other exciting things may yet come...The stars are learning how deeply the film is loved in a very personal way. So much good can come of this, and we hope it will. May I take this opportunity to thank everyone who supports the line by purchasing SIT Collectibles... you are sharing in our goals.
Q: How could we work more cooperatively with INSITE to achieve our common goals?
Jo: The door is always open for cooperation between our two websites, Somewhere in Time Website, and Christopher Reeve Homepage, in any mutual endeavor we may dream up. I favor suggestions from everyone, and believe that our SIT fanbase is a very sensitive and thoughtful group of people, and everyone who loves Chris surely appreciates his fine qualities, (and probably strive to manifest those same qualities) so I would be open to hearing from those with creative ideas! We are a network of fans, and therfore we love to hear many voices.
 Chris and Jane taken by Jo the day they went flying and bowling. See Jo's article, "Barely In Time" on the Somewhere in Time Website. |
Q: Fans of Christopher Reeve want to send their messages of hope, support and encouragement to him. In addition, many friends and relatives of people with spinal cord injuries have compelling reasons to contact him. How can these people successfully get their messages to Chris?
Jo: As most of you are aware, the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation is the primary conduit to Chris, and his staff does bring him mail he should see, they really do. But all must understand that he gets literally thousands of pieces of mail and cannot possibly see them all, or he would never be able to maintain his health regimen! Let alone lobby for spinal cord research funds, or give inspirational speeches. The very best way you can show support for Chris is to send in donations -- anything you can spare is going to further the scientific breakthroughs already in the works. Also, by purchasing the SIT Collectibles, via the Somewhere in Time Gallery line, you are furthering this goal, because Chris donates all his royalties from the line to spinal cord research. We all want desparately to see Chris being able to breathe and walk again, and all those in similar conditions to benefit from his ardent fundraising activities. I tell you, if -- actually Chris always says WHEN, they find a cure -- all those whose condition improves from it will have Chris to thank, because before he came along to speak for them publicly, there was almost no hope, now there is real hope. He is the most positive thinking person I've ever met, and he is a model of how to reach out for a goal that seems impossible and make it a reality. Chris says all they need now is the money, so let's get on the same page, and make his dream a reality.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to add?
Jo: I applaud the efforts of the Christopher Reeve Homepage in not only providing insight into the character of this incredible man, but also for its raising of public awareness for Chris' goal of funding the research to find a cure for paralysis. Chris also strives to improve the day to day lives of victims of spinal cord injury, and wants people to know that the same research that will help those in his condition, will also benefit those with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease and several other diseases of the nervous system. His Christopher Reeve Foundation linked together, for the first time, various scientists in different parts of the world who were pursuing related research, so they could share their findings and speed up progress in their endeavors. Many exciting breakthroughs have come of this networking.
Chris is an inspiration to all, for so many reasons... his gifts for goal setting, positive thinking, and forward momentum, never looking back, are important to imitate. Oh, if only the majority of people could be like him... how different the world would be...
Jo Addie
P.S. Join INSITE, and make your reservations to be at the Los Angeles 20th Anniversary Celebration on August 12th!
Many thanks to Jo Addie for taking the time out of her busy schedule to participate in this interview.
Steve Younis