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  • February 18, 2013: Donnie Nichols from Innovasity Studios released a video interview conducted with Christopher Reeve in 1994 titled "Writing for Hollywood: The Act of Breaking In". In the 3 minute interview Christopher Reeve talks about what he thinks is required to be a successful script writer in Hollywood. This is a rare interview that has never been posted online before.

    Franklin Reeve

  • July 8, 2013: Christopher Reeve's father has passed away, aged 84. Franklin D'Olier Reeve, a celebrated poet, died in New Hampshire on June 28 after a long battle with diabetes. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he attended Princeton University in New Jersey and received his graduate degree from New York's Columbia University before marrying Barbara Lamb, the Superman star's mother, in 1951. Their relationship ended in divorce and he went on to marry three more times. Over the course of his life, the author published more than 30 works, including a book about his 1962 goodwill mission trip to the Soviet Union with Robert Frost after he was named a U.S. cultural ambassador by President John F. Kennedy, who asked the star to recite a poem at his inauguration.


  • September 24, 2013: An advertisement promoting Spinal Cord Awareness Month confronts pedestrians and tourists as they pass by Rockefeller Center. The ad features Christopher Reeve's empty mechanized wheelchair sitting in an empty shop window. Christopher Reeve would have celebrated his 61st birthday on September 25, 2013, and the advertisement is a stark reminder of what he endured after his ill-fated accident, but more importantly as a symbol of hope. His Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation has funded research that has advanced the treatment of spinal cord injuries, of which almost 1.3 million Americans are affected. The window display aims to call attention to the advances made in spinal-cord injury research and treatment, which has helped many people regain some semblance of normal function - far more than was available to Reeve when he was injured. The space, at 10 Rockefeller Plaza, was donated by healthcare firm EHE International, while BBDO New York stepped in to design the display as a donation to the effort. (Source:

    Chris Reeve Tribute Chris Reeve Tribute

  • November 11, 2013: Bluewater Productions is releasing a new comic book biography on Christopher Reeve titled Tribute: Christopher Reeve, available this week. Bluewater is working with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation on this book. You can read more about the foundation in the book and a portions of the proceeds will also benefit the organization. The 32-page comic book, written by Michael Frizell, illustrated by M. Anthony Gerardo, will feature two covers one by M. Anthony Gerardo and the other by famed artist Chris Mason. "Working on a tribute comic about Mr. Reeve has been the realization of a childhood dream. When Superman: The Movie was released in 1978, Reeve embodied the character I dreamed about, and I wanted to believe a man could fly. While researching the book for Bluewater, I remember what compelled me to watch all of Reeve's movies (my favorite, as you can tell in the comic, is Somewhere in Time. The movie features Reeve and Jane Seymour at the height of their prowess as performers, and it's the only romantic movie I feel I can watch and not lose my 'man card.' It has time travel! Therefore, it garners geek cred in my book)." "Reeve's story is an inspiring one. As a university educator, I am particularly drawn to Mr. Reeve and the Reeve foundation because of the admirable work they do with people suffering from physical impairments. I am a former actor myself and I understand how difficult it is to embody a character. Now, imagine having the instrument you use to convey that character, your body, taken away from you. Reeve transcended his injury to give us, his viewing audience, fully realized characters. I can't help but admire him." Print copies of the book can be ordered at Comic Flea Market for US$3.99. Digital copies will also be available for US$1.99. Download the comic to your e-reader from iTunes, Amazon, Nook, Kobo, ComiXology, Google Play, DriveThru Comics, Wowio, iVerse, and more.

    Chris Reeve Tribute Chris Reeve Tribute Chris Reeve Tribute Chris Reeve Tribute Chris Reeve Tribute

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