Love of Life (1974-76)
Character Name: Ben Harper
Reviewed by Joyce Kavitsky (
At the age of 22, a lean pre-Superman Christopher Reeve landed a leading
role on this long-running CBS daytime television serial, where he played
the kind of young man you love to hate in one of his earliest roles as a
villian. This part was important to Reeve because it enabled him to pay back the
money his stepfather loaned him for his education as well as getting
experience acting on television that was very different from any he had
previously in the theater. While on the soap opera Reeve also continued taking acting lessons, and even went on auditions.
The continuing story of Love of Life was about Bruce and Vanessa
Sterling and the problems of their family and friends. The setting was
the small imaginary town of Rosehill. Vanessa has a determined sister
named Meg who tried to control the lives of everyone with whom she had
any contact. Vanessa, who loved life (where the title came from) married
but soon widowed. Meg married and had a baby, Ben Harper. But in 1958
Meg was divorcing her husband. Many different "sensational" conflicts
took place in the story. When Reeve played the role the storyline went like this: Ben Harper, a very devious, lawbreaking, and immoral individual found it necessary to live a double life since he was married to
two women in the same town at the same time. His first wife was
Arlene Lovett, played by Birgitta Talksdorf. They separated and she
followed him to his new home -- after he had married Betsy Crawford,
played by Elizabeth Kemp, a sweet society girl. Lovett then chose to
blackmail him instead of take him to court. It was all downhill for
Harper from there with a falling out with both wives leading to a prison
term for bigamy. Reeve bowed out at this point of the soap to pursue his
career. It was just in time too because the new Ben Harper's first scene
was that as the victim of a prison rape. In a 1981 DC Comics Superman II The Movie Magazine interview, Reeve says about his early role: "The guy had lots of money and no moral scruples whatsoever. He was married to two woman at the same time, one of whom was pregnant, and the Mafia had a contract out on him because of some
black-mail extortion scheme."
The series began in 1951 and was created by Roy Winsor and directed by
Larry Auerbach who directed the show since the beginning. Auerbach let
the actor plan the next move in the scene by letting them almost ad lib
the next action. Each scene was rehearsed about three or four times
about the time it took for actors to really begin to remember their
lines. The atmosphere of the rehearsal room was lighter compared to the
seriousness of the scripts. Taping schedules were so tight that the
actors were together for such long periods of time that the feeling of
"family" developed among the cast and as a result they helped each other
as a team. The taping of shows made things a little less hectic than they were in
the days of live broadcast. But even with modern facilities, a complete
show had to be rehearsed, blocked and taped within 12 hours. Actors
accidentally called each other by their real names on-camera. Sometimes
they got confused by stage setups and walked through fake walls. Reeve
has fond memories of his soap opera days. For Reeve to meet the schedules for both the soap opera and a play he was in, for sixteen weeks, until the play came to New York, his day went like this: By 4:00am he had to catch a plane to New York and while on the way he would learn the lines for the days taping of Love of Life. He had to arrive at CBS studios by 7:30am and work the day until 5:00pm. Then he would hop on another plane at 6:00pm and shuttle back to that nights performance of the play.
Reeve's portrayal was so vividly realistic that his appearances were
increased from two to four times a week. However, for at least one
impassioned viewer, Reeve's Ben Harper was a bit too vivid. Reeve still
winces when he recalls the time a woman in a New Hampshire restuarant
confused him with his soap opera counterpart and whacked him over the
head with her pocketbook shouting, "How dare you treat your poor
pregnant wife that way?"
The play Reeve was doing all the shuttling back and forth for was A
Matter of Gravity starring Katharine Hepburn. The 1976 play was on a
pre-Broadway road tour that took it to such various stops as
Philadelphia, New Haven, Boston, and Toronto. In an interview with TV
Day Stars in September 1976, Reeve says about leaving the soap opera:
"Katharine Hepburn inspired me to take on a new challange!" Reeve's next
part was a bit part in the film Gray Lady Down. And then, soon
afterward, he was cast in the challenging dual role of Clark Kent and
Superman in Superman: The Movie.
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